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Top 10 CV Writing Tips


Top 10 CV writing tips

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Your CV is your weapon! Make it as effective and complete as possible. Check out our do's and don'ts on how to compose a good CV.

Recruiters spend only a few minutes looking at your CV, so it's worth taking the  time to fine-tune yours carefully. However, every career path is unique and there's no ready-made recipe to follow! Your CV should reflect both your work experience and your personality, emphasising your strengths and skills regarding the position you are applying for. All you need is to achieve a certain balance between being personal in your style and following the basic rules of CV writing.

1. Make it short! Don't make it more than two pages long.

2. Make it factual! Structure you CV in reverse chronological order: from the latest position to the oldest one. Provide only the most relevant information to the position you are applying for.

3. Make it neat! Don't overload your CV with colours. Keep the template simple  and professional.

4. Choose an appropriate heading. You may title it, using the position you are looking for or the terminology given in the job ad.

5. Make it Clear. Using sections separates your CV into clear sections, making it easier to read. There is no prederermined layout for a CV, but it is highly recommended to include the following sections:





   ▸Computer Skills

   ▸Relevent Interests & Hobbies

Be sure to tailor them to your profile and the job role you are applying for.

6. Avoid using “I”, "My", “He” or “She” in your CV because their use is implied.

7. Photo insertion is not necessary, although recommended for certain positions. If you want to add one, use a headshot where you smile.

8. Avoid including your salary expectations or your salary history.

9. Check it for spelling mistakes! A mistaken-laden CV will most likely be ignored by the recruiters. Ask a friend to read your CV through to be sure you haven't missed anything.

10. Be Professional. Create yourself a professional email address. Avoid email addresses such as heybuddy75@email.co.uk


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