During an interview process, it’s important to put forward your experience whether it’s during the interview or on your resume. The question is how to do so. What is the best way show the amount of work you have done for previous employers or how to you highlight a short experience?
To help you, here is an interview technique you can follow which will help you put forward your most significant experience during an interview process.
C for Context: describe the situation in which you were you in
Which sector have you worked in?
Were you working alone or in a team?
Were you the point of contact of several departments of the company?
Try to give enough detail so that the employer understands the situation you were in and the role you had in the previous company. For example: did you assist one person or 5 business developers? The amount of work carried out is not the same! Seize this opportunity to put forward your organizational and communication skills for example.
A for Action: explain what you have done
Explain in a few words how you conducted the tasks that were given to you: which actions and techniques did you put in place?
Use examples and explain the software you use to show your know-how.
R for Results: yes!
To draw the attention of the recruiter, take examples that you illustrate with numbers and results you obtained. You can put forward quantitative and qualitative results. For example: monthly objective of… X sales or delivery delays reduced, customer satisfaction… Whether you were a mechanic, sales advisor or buyer, there are ways of putting forward the results obtained.
Why CAR?
You should apply the CAR technique before starting your job search: it’s a way for you to assess your previous experience. Once it’s done, you can synthetize the information and select the ones that are the most significant for the position you are applying for. To convince a recruiter, nothing is better than giving actual instances of what you have accomplished in your previous jobs. It’s easier to remember contextualized elements rather than a list of vague skills. It’s also an excellent way of capturing the attention of your employer, making your resume stand out and most importantly of all gain confidence in your career path!
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