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How to master 90% of your body language


Body language

Source Gratisography.com

You are about to go for a job interview. You have a clear idea of the type of questions the interviewer could ask you and the answers you will give, but have you thought about your body language? 37% of recruiters get an opinion of you during the 5 first minutes of the interview. It is important for you to manage your body language in order to make sure you are sending out the right message to the company.

Here are a few tips that will help you give a good impression of yourself during the interview:

1. Mind your posture!
Sitting up straight helps bring your shoulders back making you look less stressed. This doesn’t mean you have to make a perfect right angle between your back and legs. Try leaning slightly backwards to release stress off your spine. Your posture during the interview will impact the perception people in front of you have, as well as your own mood making you feel more confident.

2. Nod along
Nodding along to a conversation is a non-verbal way of agreeing to what is being said and encouraging the people in front of you to keep talking. However, be careful not to nod automatically as you may give the perception that you agree with everything that is being said.

3. Smile with your eyes
Your smile is synonym of friendliness and it is proven that smiling makes you feel happy whatever your mood. Use your eyes to connect to the people you are talking to. Band the blank stare that will give the impression that you are bored or not paying attention to what the recruiter is saying to you. Another tip is to make sure you don’t blink too much as it is synonym of stress.

4. Keep control of your hands
A handshake can be seen as an intimate action and can be a difficult moment if you are touch-phobic. However, you can convey a strong impression through a hand shake. Seize this opportunity to show that you are a firm and energetic person without crushing the employer’s hand.

During the interview, you may be tempted to start playing with a pen, or touching your hair and face: these are clear signs of stress. To avoid being templated, lay your hands on the table so that they are clearly visibly by the recruiter. If you are unable to keep your hands still, try using them as a politician would: they use their hands to stress the important parts of their speech.

Once the interview is finished and you are standing up, remember never to cross your arms as it sends the message that you are closed off or arrogant. Instead, let your arms drop by your side.

Last tip, if you are anxious about the interview; remember to put things into perspective: everyone has been through an interview and knows it can be destabilizing.


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