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Negociate your pay rise in 4 steps!


Negociate your pay rise

Source @Shutterstock

An OECD report reveals that women are paid 15 to 25% less than men. Discrimination is the main explanation for such a huge salary gap. The way you negotiate your salary can help you reduce this gap. You probably don’t remember the last time you asked for a pay rise and you might never have asked for one! Be reassured, 20% of women have never negotiated their salary. Not only are women afraid to ask for pay rises, when they do so, they ask for less than men. Indeed, they tend to rely on recognition from their boss for their work and wait to be treated accordingly.

Here are 4 steps that will help you ask your boss for a pay rise:

1- Find out how much you are worth
It’s important that you get as much information as possible about what you are worth on the job market. It will be easier for you to negotiate with your manager once you have a clear vision of the salary the company gives you in comparison to male and female employees but also compared to other companies. Take a look at www.glassdoor.com to get an idea of the salaries offered in similar companies and on similar job positions.

2- Make sure you make a good impression
A pay rise often depends on the approval of several people. Start by identifying the decision makers within the company and make sure they know the added value you bring to the company. Women often have a strong female network within the company and thus are less connected to men which can be a reason for which they have less access to senior management positions.

3- Choose the right timing
The best moment to ask for a pay rise is after having succeeded on an important task or after having been given new responsibilities.

4- Follow a clear argumentation plan
Before meeting your boss, prepare your argumentation plan. Always start the discussion in a positive way. You can for example, start by being grateful for the tasks and responsibilities that have been given to you. Pick a few figures of what you have achieved and demonstrate how you have contributed in brining value to the company. After having done so, go straight to the point and ask for the raise by arguing that you would like to be rewarded for the hard work carried out. A small tip: always ask for a higher pay rise that what you have planned. Don’t feel destabilized if your boss doesn’t agree on the spot. The discussion may take several weeks and more than one meeting. If the company is unable to give you the pay rise asked for, you can consider thinking about alternatives that can make you feel rewarded at work: more flexibility in your working hours, training sessions…

To be as prepared as possible, practice your speech out loud and in front of a mirror if it helps. Good luck!


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