Indeed, a CV can be a quite valuable piece. For some connoisseurs one's CV can be priceless! (That's why you have to take care of yours carefully!) Last year a CV was sold CV at Sotheby's for $50,000 (approx. £32,000)! This is now the most expensive CV ever sold in the world (after Leonardo Da Vinci's CV, of course).
So, what's so special about this CV?
At first glance, the CV has nothing special at all. A two-page handwritten paper with some lines on it, nothing less, nothing more. But it belonged to a famous painter Jean-Michel Basquiat. And it changes everything! Created by the artist when he was 20 years old, Basquiat's CV has all aspects of a normal CV, such as education, experience, employment, published interviews and references listing very famous figures such as Andy Warhol, Tennessee Williams, and Dick Tracy. These references have made of Basquiat's CV a valuable piece.
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