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83% of parents have a specific occupation in mind for their children


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Source @Shutterstock

“You will become a doctor or an engineer!”

A recent worldwide HSBC study The Value of Education, Learning for life shows that 8 out of 10 parents’ has a specific occupation in mind for their child. Doctor, engineer and IT engineer are the top three jobs that parents have in mind for their children even at a very young age. For parents, science-based careers often combine good income-earning potential with a high level of job security.

Over ¾ of the parents who answered the survey had a clear idea of the future job they wanted their child to do whilst he or she was in nursery school (between 3 and 5 years old). 

Over four out of five parents around the world hope their children will choose a different occupation from their own. Very few parents working in sales and marketing will encourage their children to join this business field. It’s roughly the same in the non-profit sector and education. On the other hand, parents working in medicine, law or who have science related jobs would be happy to see their children follow the same career path as them. 

So, what are the most important goals that you want your child to achieve as an adult? To this question, 64% of parents answered they want their children to find happiness in life, 35% of them hope their child will lead a healthy lifestyle and 34% earn enough to enjoy a comfortable, followed closely by succeeding in their career and fulfilling their potential.


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