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Stop Saying “Do What You Love, Love What You Do.”

Do what you love


“Do What You Love, Love What You Do" has become a credo for every modern careerist. It has literally invaded all social networks and media, served as an ultimate formula for success. The problem is that according to this saying if you are working just for a paycheck, you can't be happy. Don't you think there's a problem? Who, exactly, benefits from this? Why should workers feel as if they aren't working when they are?

Miya Tokumitsu, a Ph.D. in art history from the University of Pennsylvania, answers these questions in the article "In the name of Love". She argues that DWYL is actually an ideological tool that “leads not to salvation but to the devaluation of actual work—and more importantly, the dehumanization of the vast majority of laborers.“

So, if you believe that

- wages shouldn't be the primary motivation for doing a job,

- being underpaid is fine if are doing what you love,

you have probably fell into the trap. We would suggest you to read the full article of Miya, by hitting the "Source" button.


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