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Starting a new life in New Zealand


How to find a job in New Zeland

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There are very few destinations on earth that make people dreaming today. An island country in the hearth of the pacific ozean seems so far from every-day-problems. Sublime landscapes, cultures, lakes and sandy beaches has made New Zealand to one of the most interesting and peaceful spots for travellers and young people.  Much greener – less polluted – more relaxed!

40 amazing places in New Zealand that are just asked to be watched:

Today, the economic growth in NZ is the major cause for moving to New Zealand. 2015 is definitely a good time to look for jobs in New Zealand.  The “Kiwi Land” has weathered the global financial crisis well – and the positive trend sets to continue!  There is a high number of job opportunities for people from the UK in the fields of healthcare, engineering, management and IT.

NZ has a list of skill shortages that can help people finding a job and residence visa. Employers need to recruit English-speaking people to meet demand.  Check the list of skill shortages in NZ.

People with different skills may still get a visa. It is possible to apply for residency as a Skilled Migrant. This visa provides the opportunity to live and work in NZ indefinitely.  If you get a job offer by any employer, you may also be able to apply for a work visa. Visas to work

Immigration to NZ is probably one of the best choices you can do these days!


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