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12 Tricks to stay motivated at work


The Undercover Recruiter Blog

Image of courtesy - Fredrik Broden

People often experience periods of low motivation. Job search can be tough and long. Frequent or repetitive activities are the reason why many people often feel tired and exhausted today.  Below you find 12 tricks to stay motivated at work and enhance endurance during a job search.

Computer Freak
1. The 20-80 rule

80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. This rule is also known as the “Principle of Pareto”. Can you use this principle as a guideline at work? Do you have to manage multiple projects at the same time?  Focus the missions that give your company the most value. This priorization can help you feeling more energetic and enthusiastic at work…and not to forget more productive!

Muscles and business
2. A little bit of Sports

Do you feel nervous at work? Do you fear the future due the labor market situation? It's time to make a break. Go out and take some breath, have a walk in the park, go running or dance for half an hour. This can produce miracles at work!  Back at work, you feel more confident and creative (Humm… YES, Sports can free your mind for the job. More place for more excellent ideas!)

From A to B
3. Make a choice

Making choices and moving forward helps you becoming more productive every day. Sometimes it is necessary to follow his intuitive mind to reach his goals. Hemming and hawing makes people sick. It is crucial to take decisions. No one has time for hesitation and doubts. Start believing in yourself!

4. Stop using your phone

If possible, put your phone in another room. No private phone usage at work desks. Being addicted to (smart-) phones is kind of silly and disconnects you from work life. Activate the silent mode on your phone and answer emergency calls or messages only.

5. Organize yourself

Try to complete projects in 30 or 60 minutes. This time is dedicated to work only. Once the project has been carried out, take a short break of 10 minutes. Breaks help people staying motivated and target-oriented. Don't hesitate to use a stopwatch at the beginning.

Business man
6. Don't press the F5 key code

Are you this kind of people that update mailbox every 5 minutes? Status: Nothing new under the sun. This is one of the most common bad habits that decrease the degree of people's productivity. An hourly check-up of your inbox is absolutely enough. You become less nervous and you will be able to concentrate on your To-Do-List at work.

Cereals and chocolat
7. Healthy spirit...

Superfood is today's trend-food because it is well-known for boosting people's mental condition. Use super fruits like blueberries, bananas or apples during your breaks to stimulate your brain activity. Nuts and dark chocolate that contains minimum 70% cocoa will also have a positive impact.

Fast food
8. ... in a healthy body!

It is no surprise that rich and heavy food has no beneficial impact on your productivity. The combination of coke and a double-cheese has to be excluded from your day-to-day work, definitely. Avoid food with added sugar that contains no essential nutrients (sweets, biscuits, cakes, chocolat bars, ice cream...the list is long!). 

Sleppy cat
9. Take a nap

Each afternoon try to take a short nap (just 10 minutes) after lunchtime. This is a good solution for sleepiness and fatigue after your meal.

10. Discover your natural rhythm

Make an effort and respect your natural rhythm also at work. Be flexible and focus on projects that give a creative and productive outlet.

Cup of coffee
11. Be a morning people

“The early bird catches the worm” – what is the truth. Nothing worse than starting a day off in a hurry! Create harmony with a cup of tea and a balanced breakfast what gives you more energy and a clearer mind. There is even time for activities like meditation, yoga or walking.

Happy businessman
12. Take a step forward! :-)

We are all afraid to do mistakes at work. But making progress at work will be only possible if you ACCEPT the mistakes of your first try. There is always a second chance.

Own representation based on buzzfeed.com


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