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5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Your Job Search




Staying motivated during a job search can be challenging. When the job market is tough and competition is fierce, when bills are mounting and job applications don't get a response, it's easy to get discouraged. But, you know what? It's normal! Every job seeker passes through a period of doubts, but those who are confident in their abilities find the way out much faster.

Even if you're feeling down, you need to keep your positive attitude whatever happens. When you start feeling overwhelmed by stress and unmotivated, try to understand the reasons behind. Give yourself a feedback, plan your next steps and to regain that motivation. So if you are feeling:                   

1. overwhelmed

You are probably overloaded with information. Don't let this information noise prevent you from reaching your goals. Make a list of tasks related to your job search, those that makes you feel bad, and break them on small chunks. Then measure the importance of each task, select the most important ones and accomplish them one by one. For example, if you tell yourself that you'll spend 4 hours on job search tomorrow, make a list of 3 the most important and concrete things you will actually do (e.g., 30 min job search on websites, 1 company research, sending 1 application, etc.).

2. overstressed

You need to take a break. If you feel you are getting nervous and irritated, give yourself a break. Meditate. Exercise. Take time off for some fun. Yes, all these activities can reduce your stress on a physical level. These activities will improve your physical and mental condition, which is going to help you regain your motivation. After all, job search is like a full-time job, and you have to have some rest like any other employee would have.

3. anxious and stucked

You should learn something new. Let's start with skills that are going to pay your bills. You need to determine which skills can bring you a positive outcome. What it will take to learn this skill? Where? How? Do you really need it? When will you find time for learning? Be honest with yourself. And if you really need to learning something new, create your own step-by-step learning program to acquire that skill and follow it gradually.

4. distracted

You're trapped in a procrastination cycle. Every morning or evening define the next steps to your goal. If you need to learn some new skills, include it in your to-do list. If you don't want to spare 4 hours in front of your computer without accomplishing the most important tasks of your day, plan it beforehands. Make a deal with yourself: first, your goals and after - whatever gives you pleasure.

5. discouraged

You don't get enough feedback. If you are not getting immediate results from your actions, do something else while waiting for a feedback. Once you've thrown the ball, it must land somewhere. It usually takes some time. Meanwhile, you can plan your actions to get a feedback from your prospects. And don't forget to celebrate each success, no matter how small it is. 


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