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4 tips for your online job search


4 tips for your online job search

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In your search for a job you troll job-site after job-site for advertised vacancies and you've sent off innumerable applications. You're now a Pro at online applications and you've even tried e-mailing companies directly with your application.

Don't you ever wonder if companies search for your name on search engines to find out more about you, just like you did when researching them? It's becoming increasingly popular for employers to Google candidates, therefore we have to be conscious of our online identity and how it will be perceived by employers. Read our tips on how to be seen on the web...

Professional social Networks

Have you already completed your profile and update it regularly? If so, you've already got a head start . For an effective presence on these networks , be careful about which words you choose to describe your skills. These keywords are very important and allow recruiters to find candidates that match their search. When making a profile; put yourself in the shoes of an employer. Reading endless profiles full of cliché words like: ' motivated ', ' dynamic ' serious'. They contribute nothing to your application and don't differentiate you in any way. Another tip is to make sure you always introduce yourself when sending invites, the point of these sites is to create q professional network of contacts, not a list of strangers.

CV Banks

Most job sites offer this service: you upload your CV to their website which enables it to be viewed by recruiters who are looking through the CV bank. Uploading your CV to different banks all over the internet can be tedious and takes time but it ensures you have a better professional visibility on the web. Take the test by typing your name into a search engine and see where you place in the results.

Social networks
Social networks can prove to be useful tools for your job search. They're one of the most effective ways to ensure you have a presence on the internet. By simply searching someone's name in a search engine it will normally bring up their pages on social network among the top results.  Moreover, social networks can help you express your ideas and opinions on a global scale . With Twitter or Google + , you can express yourself on a topic that interests you (ideal to confirm its expertise in a domain) . With Instagram and Pinterest , you can show that you are creative.

You should regularly check your online reputation by typing your full name in Google. That way if any pages come up that you'd prefer a future employer didn't see, you're able to lock them or change privacy settings before it's ever an issue.

Blogs can be a very useful tool in landing your dream job. They can serve as an easily accessible portfolio of work ability and can prove your knowledge and expertise on whichever topic it is you choose write about. Even if you haven't the time to manage creating and running your own blog, there are often blogs looking for contributors to volunteer to write articles for them. Be sure to check which are the most influential blogs on the topics that interest you and keep an eye out for when they may be looking for contributors.


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