A Drama Teacher is a specialised educator who imparts knowledge of drama and theatre to students. Their responsibilities include delivering lessons on acting theories and techniques, directing school plays, developing students' confidence and abilities, and preparing students for drama exams or auditions. They often work in schools, colleges, or private drama schools, combining teaching theory with practical workshops and rehearsals. A Drama Teacher should possess a deep passion for the performing arts, exceptional communication skills, and the ability to inspire and nurture creative talent. A degree in Drama, Theatre Studies or Performing Arts, along with teaching qualifications, are usually required for this role.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Drama teacher: London Cirencester Swindon Gloucester Worcester.The average salary is £30,000.List of companies recruiting Drama teacher: Teaching Personnel Protocol Education Vision For Education.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 692 job offers for Drama teacher.
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