The Consultant Social Worker is a professional who operates within the social services sector, often specialising in areas such as child protection or mental health. They are responsible for assessing, supporting and safeguarding vulnerable individuals and families in society. Their key duties include conducting risk assessments, devising and implementing care plans, and liaising with other social services and organisations. This role requires strong communication skills, empathy and a deep understanding of social issues and legislations. Relevant qualifications in Social Work and registration with the relevant professional body are typically required. Experience in a similar role and the ability to manage a team are also often desired.Here are the cities with the most job offers for Consultant social worker: London St Albans Stevenage Croydon Stafford.The average salary is £49,250.The different types of contract available: Temporary Internship Freelance.Jobijoba has over 480 job offers for Consultant social worker.
Qualified Social Worker, Early Help Hub Advisor, Swindon Borough Council, Childrens Early Help Team
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