To ensure PoCT equipment used in MFT NHS Trust is suitable for clinical use and can be supported and resourced adequately. To ensure that all PoCT activities within the Trust are patient focussed and are performed effectively and efficiently without compromising patient safety. To initiate new models for delivering PoCT services in line with evidence on good practice and to challenge traditional responsibilities, taking account of current innovations in service and workforce redesign, nationally and internationally. Under the direction of the Clinical Lead, to provide a liaison between the laboratories and all PoCT users in MFT acting as the first point of contact for issues and ensuring a pro-active approach is used to identify and address areas of need. To be familiar with all specialist PoCT devices in use throughout MFT so as to make judgements on how to proceed during technical failures and maintenance shutdowns whilst ensuring continuity of clinical services. To ensure external maintenance contracts are initiated and fulfilled. To ensure that methods and equipment introduced as PoCT are fully evaluated and scientifically validated before being adopted for routine use.