We are looking for an DramaTeacher for a GoodSchool in Leicester. This is a full time with position to startJanuary 2025 and the school is looking for an Dramateacher to teachto GCSE and ALevel. Applications from ECTs and experiencedDramaTeachers areencouraged.
* DramaTeacher
* Pastoralresponsibility
* Teaching to GCSE and ALevelavailable
* Full time
* GoodSchool
* Permanent
* January2025 start
* Experienced and ECT DramaTeachersconsidered.
The school isnonselective and was founded on traditional values andinternational research. The school is highly regarded andsignificantly oversubscribed. In the most recent DfE performancetables it is ranked in the top 2% of schools in theSouthEast.
As a school they are unique in theirapproach in that they seek to develop character and leadershipskills in their students they are not an exam factory. Everystudent at the school is conscientious hardworking and an absolutepleasure to teach their staff never have Sunday night dread. Forthe successful candidate this represents a rare opportunity to joina caring team of good practitioners dedicated to each otherswellbeing and the future of everychild.
* Abilityto teach Dramato KS3/4
* Degree inDrama
* QTS orequivalent
Thepay scales will be dependent on experience for this DramaTeacherposition.
Pleasesend your application through for the DramaTeacher position as soonas possible.