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Survival guide for a Christmas party at the office!


Christmas office party

Shutterstock @Goodluz

It's that time of the year when everyone is preoccupied by buying the remaining Christmas presents, making sure there will be enough food and... attending Christmas office parties! Having to clink glasses with your boss is worrying you? You are afraid of spending a whole evening with your colleagues without having job related conversations? Don't worry: we have gathered the best tips to prepare this event!

Tip #one

Prepare yourself by having a good night’s sleep the day before the party. Make sure you take time to eat a nicely made breakfast. And don’t forget to book a taxi in advance to avoid being the only one left after the party.

Tip #two

Don’t be a flake! It’s not a good idea to change your mind about attending the party at the last minute. Even if it’s not your thing, you have no excuse not to be there!

Tip #three

Take it easy on the beverages! You don’t want to end up dancing on tables or making yourself ill. Your boss will be less than impressed by your attitude if you make a fool of yourself. Be social by all means, don’t get too drunk and remember you have to go to work the following day.

Tip #four

Remember who you are with. Even though everyone is dressed up, remember who hides behind the costume. The Christmas party is a time when you let your hair down with your coworkers but doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have to be professional.

Tip #5

No heavy petting. Always remember that office romances are risky and the Christmas party is not a good time to go and dance all night long with your office crush.

Christmas party at the office


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