Job overview
Senior Clinical Fellow in Obstetrics & Gynaecology with special interest in Medical Education.
Applications are invited for the position of Senior Clinical Fellow - ST6-7 or Post CCT level in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This is a fixed term 6-month appointment that includes both clinical and teaching responsibilities, with support for research if the participant wishes to pursue an independent project. There is the possibility to extend the post beyond this. There is scope to gain a Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education if the appointee wishes to pursue this. The appointee will be encouraged to make use of the research and clinical training resources within Whittington Health, University College London, and the Academic Centre for Medical Education (ACME). The appointee will spend approximately 50% of their time in teaching and 50% in clinical training and duties in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The post will provide an opportunity to develop a clinical educational portfolio. There will also be opportunity to develop simulation teaching within the specialty. Involvement in centralized UCL teaching seminars and lectures will also be plentiful and participation in clinical skills circuits too.
Main duties of the job
The appointee will be expected to participate fully in the department with opportunity to attend more specialist clinics and gain additional skills. These opportunities include:
1. Advanced Antenatal Practice including growth scans and obstetric scanning
2. Fetal Medicine
3. Colposcopy
4. Vulval Disease
5. Urogynaecology
6. Fertility
7. Specialist endometriosis/Laparoscopy
8. Menopause
9. Hysteroscopy
10. Early Pregnancy Care and Gynaecological Ultrasound
11. Medical Education
12. Clinical Governance and Quality Improvement
13. On-call rota at an SR level working within a team to provide safe clinical care at 0.5FTE on call
Detailed job description and main responsibilities
The appointees will undertake general duties in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. These will vary according to the individual timetable and seniority of the doctor concerned. In general however, the post holders will be involved in the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care of obstetric patients and outpatient and inpatient diagnosis and treatment of gynaecology patients.
Person specification
Essential criteria
* MRCOG Part 2
* GMC Registration
* Experience in the NHS or equivalent
* PROMPT or equivalent
Desirable criteria
* MRCOG Part 3
Professional Experience
Essential criteria
* Experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Essential criteria
* Ability to communicate effectively with all levels of staff and patients
* Ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team
Essential criteria
* Interest in and knowledge of clinical audit/ clinical governance/MIS.
Essential criteria
* Evidence of participation in teaching in Obstetrics and Gynaecology both for undergraduates and postgraduates
Desirable criteria
* PGCert/Dip/MSc in Education
Essential criteria
* Ability to lead and deliver undergraduate teaching. Participation in Simulation teaching
To comply with the Trust's Safeguarding Children and Adults policies, procedures and protocols. All individual members of staff (paid or unpaid) have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
* Ensure you are familiar with and comply with the London Child Protection Procedures and protocols for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people.
* Ensure you are familiar and comply with the London Multi Agency Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Pan London Procedures.
* Ensure you are familiar and comply with local protocols and systems for information sharing.
* Know the appropriate contact numbers and required reporting lines.
* Participate in required training and supervision.
* Comply with required professional boundaries and codes of conduct.
Whittington Health is committed to safeguarding all children and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Your application form
1. Provide only business email address for your referees - we are unable to request references from yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail accounts.
2. Make sure you to include all evidence of where you meet the essential requirement on the jobs description as this forms the base of our shortlisting criteria.
Other important information
* Applications from job seekers who require sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. Before submitting your application and to avoid disappointment please check that you are eligible under the UKVI points based system.
* Applications are welcome from people wishing to job share or work flexible patterns. We are committed to equal opportunities.