Job title: Teacher of Science with Physics to A Level Responsible to: Head of Department Teaching & Learning 1. To set high expectations for all pupils, to deepen their knowledge and understanding and to ensure each pupils full potential is achieved. 2. To use positive behaviour management strategies in an environment of mutual respect which allows pupils to feel safe and secure and promotes their self-esteem. 3. To manage the pupils learning through positive and effective teaching strategies in accordance with the relevant departments schemes of work and policies. 4. To ensure continuity, progression and cohesiveness across all teaching. 5. To use a variety of methods and approaches (including differentiation) to match curricular objectives and the range of pupil needs, and ensure equal opportunity for all pupils. 6. To contribute fully to the development of departmental policies and schemes directed by the Head of Department(s) in line with statutory requirements. 7. To set homework regularly, (in accordance with the Colleges Homework Policy), to consolidate and extend learning and to encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning (Independent Learning). 8. To work with SEN staff and support staff, apply their specialist knowledge to maximise the potential achievements of all students within lessons. 9. To work effectively as a member of the Department team to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting, and Accountability 1. To be immediately responsible for the processes of assessment, recording and reporting for all pupils. 2. To assess pupils work systematically and use the results to inform planning, teaching, target setting and curricular developments. 3. To be familiar with statutory assessment and reporting procedures and to prepare and present informative, helpful and accurate reports to parents. 4. To keep an accurate register of pupils for each lesson. Report unexplained absences or patterns of absence in accordance with the College policy. 5. Maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality about issues relating to specific individuals or groups. 6. Keep full and comprehensive relevant records and correspondence complying with the Colleges policy on Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Subject Knowledge & Understanding 1. To have a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of the subjects and specifications for examination courses. 2. To have a thorough and up to date understanding of the requirements of the statutory curriculum. 3. To engage in a process of Continuing Professional Development. 4. To keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy and the subject area. Professional Standards & Development 1. To be a role model to pupils through professional conduct and personal presentation. 2. To arrive to class before the start of each lesson, and to begin and end lessons on time. 3. To cover for absent colleagues as is reasonable, fair and equitable in line with relevant policies. 4. To co-operate with the employer in all matters concerning Health and Safety and specifically to take reasonable care of own Health & Safety and that of others. 5. To be familiar with the College and Department handbooks and support all the Colleges policies, e.g. those on Pastoral Care, Child Protection, Health and Safety, Citizenship, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. 6. To establish effective working relationships with professional colleagues and associated staff. 7. To strive for personal and professional development through active involvement in either the Colleges Beginning Teachers procedures, Early Professional Development procedures or Performance Review and Staff Development procedures as applicable. 8. To be involved in extra-curricular activities such as making a contribution to after-school clubs and visits. 9. To maintain a working knowledge and understanding of teachers professional duties as set out in the current School Teachers Pay and Conditions document, and teachers legal liabilities and responsibilities relating to all current legislation, including the role of the education service in protecting children. 10. To liaise effectively with parent/carers and with other agencies with responsibility for pupils education and welfare. 11. To undertake any reasonable task as directed by the relevant line manager. 12. To be aware of the role of the Governing Body of the College and to support it in performing its duties. 13. To be familiar with and implement the relevant requirements of the current SEN Code of Practice. 14. To consider the needs of all pupils within lessons (and to implement specialist advice) especially those who a. have SEN; b. are gifted and talented. 15. To carry out pastoral duties as required. 16. To carry out any other duties which the Principal may reasonably assign. This job description is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks but sets out the main expectations of the College in relation to the post holders professional responsibilities and duties. Posts involving work in educational establishments are subject to the provision of the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (NI) Order 2003.