Grapevine is a division of Caterite Food & Wineservice Limited, a food and drink wholesaler based in the Lake District delivering to customers throughout the North of England and Scotland. After 50 years of trading, the company is entering a new chapter in its history with new ownership, whilst staying true to the values and service which has guided its success so far.
Caterite and Grapevine are in an exciting period of transformational change with significant developments within its business since the company was acquired by METRO in 2024. METRO is an international specialist in food and wine wholesale. A partner of many small and mid-sized independent companies who have made it their goal to lift the foodandhospitalitysectortoanewlevelandtotakeadvantageoftheunique opportunitythatthecomprehensivedigitizationoftheindustrypresentsboth forourcustomers,whocantransformtheirbusinessforlong-termprosperity,and for us.
ThegroupisheadedbyMETROAG,whichactsasthecentralmanagementholding company. It performs group management functions, particularly in the areas of finance, controlling, legal and compliance. Central management and administrative functions for METRO wholesale are anchored within METRO AG.
Our company is transforming food and wi...