1. To assist with the sorting of the day to day incoming mail, taking action or referring back to the senior medical secretary, where necessary. 2. To undertake medical audio/copy typing duties, including outpatient letters to GPs, discharge summaries and other official correspondence. 3. To accept enquiries from clinicians, GPs Health Service and Social Services personnel, other hospitals, voluntary agencies, patients and their relatives. Patient contact by telephone is an integral part of the basic role. To deal with these enquiries or refer back to the Senior Medical Secretary where necessary. 4. To ensure that patient case notes are as up-to-date and accurate by actively participating in the filing of patient related documentation at the earliest opportunity. 5. To ensure that case notes are controlled and delivered and participate with the Medical Records staff to reduce the incidences of lost notes and deliver them to clinical users, as soon as possible. To ensure that all case notes are tracked out prior to sending them out of the office. 6. To participate in the use of the PAS system to establish patient information and produce patient documentation as required. 7. To assist in providing cover for other secretaries in the Medical Directorate to ensure continuity of service to Consultant, medical staff, service users and patients. 8. To undertake any photocopying and collation as required. 9. To undertake any other duties as may be required/appropriate by the Senior Secretaries/ Directorate Support Manager.