This is a senior clinical post suitable for trainees ST5 or more, and with exposure to theatres, including both open and robotic gynaecological cancer surgery. The successful applicants will join a team a team of two other full-time middle grade doctors, supported by one SHO. The successful applicant will very involved in the day-to-day pre and post-operative care of patients, theatre scheduling, clinics, weekly MDT and other departmental meetings. The department has a good clinical audit system with monthly M&M meetings, which the Fellow will be expected to contribute to and help to organize. There are very good opportunities to complete clinical audits and research using the departments dedicated database. It is expected that the Clinical Fellow undertake initial on-line training in Da Vinci robotics and will be proctored and taught in-house in use of these systems by the five Consultants, both patient-side and on the console. The Royal Surrey currently has three Da Vinci Xi surgical robots in clinical use, with all five of our Consultants fully trained in their use and with regular theatre availability. There are theatre lists on each weekday except for Fridays. For more details, please refer to the job description attached.