If you are a recent graduate, keen to develop a career within IT, please read further!
The Directorate of IT & Digital is recruiting two Graduate Trainees to join them for 18 months.
As the IT&D Trainee, you will gain experience across a broad range of IT teams across the department; this can include 2nd line on Campus Support, Network Operations, Identity and Access Management, End User Computing, Change Management, and many more. Training is largely delivered on the job and will be supplemented by a few formal sessions from technical experts within each functional area where relevant. You will work in a variety of areas within IT Services over the eighteen months you are with us. There will be opportunities to support projects as required across several central Manchester Met sites.
About You:
* Have completed a degree within the last 2 years
* Have a keen interest in IT
* Ability and experience of troubleshooting and resolving IT issues
* Ability to communicate clearly and professionally, both orally and in writing
* Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to establish positive and effective working relationships
To learn more about this exciting opportunity and the benefits we offer, please read the Job Description and Candidate Pack provided.
As IT&D, we help to create the University of the future by co-designing new ways of working, enhancing productivity, reducing complexity, supporting innovation, and providing the insights to drive continual improvement. Embracing a digital future in an evolving modern university, you will be working in partnership with our academic and Professional Services colleagues to deliver digital services that help the University achieve its strategic objectives in teaching and research, nationally & globally.
The work we do impacts significantly on both the personal and learning experience of those who study here. We are committed to developing and maintaining highly usable, fast, flexible and personalised Information Systems services that reflect the changing needs of a growing university.
If you would like to join our people and share our ambition, we would love to hear from you!
How to Apply:
If interested, you should submit your CV with a Covering Letter detailing your suitability for the role as well as answering the below questions:
* Why are you interested in working in IT?
* What experience do you have diagnosing and solving IT issues and problems?
* What do you want to achieve by being part of the IT&D graduate scheme?
If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please contact Dan Peck on d.peck@mmu.ac.uk
Manchester Met University is committed to creating an intentionally inclusive culture of belonging that promotes equity and celebrates diversity. We understand the importance of having a diverse workforce and the benefits it can bring to ensuring diversity of thought and innovation in everything we do. We, therefore, encourage applications from our local and international communities, in particular people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, people with disabilities and people who identify as LGBTQ+.