Liaise between nurses, other junior doctors, patients, relatives, and senior medical staff Communicate effectively with other hospital staff, patients and relatives after training disclosure of bad news. Attend to the day to day management of outpatient, inpatients and day case patients under consultant care Attendance at cardiac arrests and ward rounds held by consultant and registrar Attend general and specialist outpatient, diagnostic and pre-assessment clinics Completion of death certification and/or the first part of the cremation certificate, when necessary. Teach medical students as directed Supervise, monitor, and assist the F1 doctors in posts with an attached F1 Take part in rostered emergency work Arrange initial simple investigations and following discussion with senior staff organise more complex investigations. To keep up to date with all administrative duties including letters, results and discharge summaries as required F1s are responsible for the majority of prescribing albeit under supervision. F1s are responsible for the clerking of patients on admission and the initial arrangements for the routine management of these patients including: o history taking, examination and differential diagnosis. o management of acute and chronically ill patients with appropriate diagnostic testing and reviewing the results o assessment of all patients arriving for elective admission, both in medicine and surgical specialities Discharge planning, F1s are responsible for: o ensuring that patients are discharged with the appropriate drugs and seeing that the patients understand the use of these. o completing a brief discharge note for the patients' general practitioner at the time of the patients' discharge from hospital. The cover of colleagues on annual leave and short-term sickness. Comply with all local policies including dress code, annual and study leave Any other duties commensurate with the grade which may be allocated from time to time. On call commitment in line with specialty requirements and commensurate with grade.