What skills and experience we're looking for
• Ensure an outstanding Catholic educational experiencewhich is engaging and fulfilling for all pupils
• Deliver an appropriately broad, balanced, relevant anddifferentiated curriculum for students within English
• Be accountable for student progress and developmentwithin the teaching groups allocated
• Maintain an up-to-date knowledge and understanding ofthe requirements of the English curriculum
• Inspire and engage pupils in the vision for the schoolProgress
• Be accountable for outcomes within the teaching groupsallocated
• Ensure effective strategies are in place to enable all pupilswithin your classes to make good progress
• Track student achievement regularly across the teachinggroups allocated, transforming data into action
Teaching and Learning
• Set high expectations for yourself for quality teaching andlearning in your English classes
• Ensure planning meets the needs of all learners
• Deliver engaging lessons which have frequent and accurateassessment, feedback and intervention
• Assist in the development of schemes of work, resources,marking and assessment policies and teaching strategieswithin designated curriculum areas
• Keep up to date with national developments in the subjectarea and how they might affect student learning andteaching methodologies
• Display highly effective subject knowledgeSchool Ethos and Culture
• Help foster the spiritual development of pupils inaccordance with the school’s Mission Statement
• Ensure that the school’s vision is understood and clearly andeffectively articulated to all pupils
• Promote the school’s ethos and culture to the broadercommunity
Developing self and working with others
• Actively partake in the school’s development schemethrough participation in arrangements for further trainingand professional development
• Treat pupils, staff and parents fairly, equitably and withdignity and respect, to create and maintain a positive schoolculture
• Celebrate the achievements of individual students
• Work effectively with Technicians and Teaching Assistantsas appropriate
• Manage own workload and that of others to allow anappropriate work/life balance;
• Regularly review own practice, set personal targets and takeresponsibilities for own personal development
• Engage in research around current educational initiativesincluding government policies in areas commensurate withthe post
What the school offers its staff
We are a good oversubscribed school (OFSTED 2022) locatedin Stockport, South of Manchester. Our school is made up of825 students and 100 staff. St James’ Catholic High Schoolis a thriving Catholic community that places children atthe centre of everything we do. The Diocese of Shrewsburyjudged our school to be a “Good” Catholic school.
St James’ is a highly academic performing school:
• Impressive positive progress 8 scores for the previous four years
• In 2024, 77% of students attained a Grade 4 or above in both English & Mathematics (the equivalent to the old Grade C) with 59% achieving a Grade 5 or above in both English & Mathematics
• 87 grade 9s and 128 grade 8s were awarded to our students in 2024, demonstrating exceptional attainment across a wide range of subjects
• Exceptional results in open, Maths and English subjects placing us in the top 20% of similar schools nationally
Our school is at the cutting edge of teaching and learningand thrives on providing outstanding opportunities for theyoung people we serve. All our staff work to provide our youngpeople with the skills, knowledge and understanding in orderto achieve their full potential.
Inspired by the example of St James, the purpose of ourschool is ‘To educate and develop global Catholic citizens’.Our three school values of Family, Faith and Excellenceare lived out every single day by staff, students and allstakeholders.
The reputation of our school is exceptional within Stockportand across the Shrewsbury Diocese for academic excellence,impeccable pupil conduct and for providing outstandingadditional opportunities for our young people. The result isthat our young people develop into global Catholic citizenswho are proud to profess their faith and who make a positivecontribution to society.
At the root of our success is our St James’ community. Thisis built on strong, positive relationships between all staff,students and parents. Our parents support our school anddevelop their children at home whilst our dedicated staffare relentless in driving excellence by providing the besteducational experiences and opportunities for our students.
Underpinning this excellence are our unique values, Catholicethos and our mission. We are inspired and driven by theGospel where we are told: ‘With God all things are possible’(Matthew 19:26).
Commitment to safeguarding
St James’ Catholic High School is an equal opportunity employer which is “Positive about Disabled People”. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit alone, we particularly welcome applications from groups currently under-represented in the workforce, who meet the person specification for the post St James’ Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure & Barring Service.