Provide an effective and high-quality MIS service to all College users making sure all core services are delivered to the highest customer service standards, using data collection and amendments systems and procedures to ensure all requests relating to student data are processed in an efficient and timely manner. This role will have a focus on assisting the Senior MIS Officers in ensuring that all ILR and HE data returns are submitted in a timely manner, adhering to funding body schedules, and that all data is as complete and as accurate as possible. This role is 52 weeks per year and 20 hours a week. The following is an indication of the type and level of the main priorities expected of this role as directed by the Executive Director, Vice Principal, or Director of Service and is not intended to be a comprehensive list of duties or tasks: 1. Process data relating to student records following a students initial enrolment at the start of their programme e.g. additional enrolments, withdrawals, group/programme transfers, amendments to student details etc., ensuring all student data is processed in accordance with agreed data protection/ GDPR regulations and College policies. 2. Assist with the regular generation of ILR returns, and use of checking views on Pro-Solution and the FIS data validation software to identify potentially anomalous data. 3. Assist with the accurate and timely submission of all ILR and HE data returns to external websites following government set timelines. 4. Assist with the process of identifying student Unique Learner Numbers, including updating personal details on the Learner Record Service database and requesting the merging of records where applicable. 5. Assist the Senior MIS Officer ILR & Audit with rectifying duplicate student records. 6. Implement the use of analytical software such as PDSAT and SCORE to ensure that robust data checking and further validation is in place so that data returns are accurate. 7. Support administrative and curriculum colleagues with the accurate generation of student status certificates. 8. Implement an audit schedule for various aspects of student data which attracts government funding, arranging such audits, and reporting back to management any findings, particularly with regard to any potential financial implications. 9. Contribute to the development of data analysis techniques, such as using SQL, to support the accurate reporting of student data. 10. Process one-off room booking requests for teaching rooms allocated to MIS for timetabling. Process requests on the MIS Helpdesk ensuring all tickets are responded to and resolved in a timely manner. ADZN1_UKTJ