This is a rare and fantastic opportunity to join a well run multi vet equine pracitice working in the Hampshire region. They are an independent mixed practice with seperate small animal and equine departments.
* This is a full time role- Really a minimum of 4 days per week
* 1:4 OOH duties
* 100% Equine
* Excellent peer to peer workign environment]
* EVN's at the practice
They pride themselves on providing a quality, comprehensive in yard service. They cover all aspects of preventative health care. You will be workling on an ambulatory basis, covering everything from studs farms, racework, to small holders and pony clubs- and everyhting in between! You will have full accesst to all the usual toys including endoscopes, digital xrays, ultrasound etc.. And will be covering all the usual duties including routine health checks, foaling, emergency colics dentals etc.
There is a competiticve salary on offer commensurate with experience. If you're interested and would like some more information contact Jonathan below, or emial me