Please see job description. We are seeking to recruit a band 6 specialist physiotherapist in respiratory care within Calderdale Royal Hospital.
There will also be a requirement to join the respiratory on call service.
This post will provide the successful candidate with the opportunity to become involved in not only therapy delivery with patients, but also service delivery experience, the supervision of staff, training delivery and deputising as required for the Clinical Lead in their absence. In return, the successful candidate can expect structured supervision, annual development plans that guide their training and development needs throughout the year and training relevant to their learning needs.
Main duties of the job
To act as a specialist clinician for respiratory including paediatric inpatients and surgical inpatients, and contribute to evolving and embedding best practice into the clinical area.
To manage own specialist caseload in this area.
Work autonomously within Trust policies and professional practice, maintaining accurate and comprehensive up to date records.
Develop, deliver, implement, evaluation and modify individualised treatment programmes and/or provide specialist advice, ensuring appropriate pathways of care and communication via liaison and referral to other agencies as required.
Take part in the education and training of Physiotherapists and qualified and non-qualified healthcare / social services / education staff including medical staff.
To support the Clinical Lead in the day to day running of the therapy team.
To support and advise within the wider MDT on the delivery of the service.
Job responsibilities
To work within the acute therapy service, developing effective clinical interventions within the speciality of respiratory in order to contribute to the clinical practice in the team in line with current evidence base.
To manage autonomously a clinical workload of patients at a specialist level, assessing and treating patients and maintaining clinical records.
To have specialist assessment and treatment skills in the areas listed but not limited to:
1. Critically ill and complex patients
2. Acute respiratory patients
3. Patients with complex needs e.g. spinal injury, bariatric patients
4. Acute patients following surgery
5. Patients with chronic lung disease in both inpatient and outpatient settings
6. Early rehab in ICU setting
7. Discharge and transfer of care planning and co-ordination
8. Paediatric inpatients
To apply evidence-based knowledge within the specialist clinical area acquired through experience and academic study to a specialist postgraduate level.
To act, within the acute therapy service, as a resource and provide advice for physiotherapists, other professionals and colleagues within the MDT about the assessment, treatment, management and care of patients who have a multi-pathological illness and/or complex psychosocial need.
To work collaboratively with health and social care community and acute colleagues.
To work with other members of the MDT to ensure effective care pathways and transfer of care/discharges.
To proactively and appropriately facilitate a seamless transfer of care and continuing therapeutic management of surgical and respiratory patients between care settings.
To work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary manner within the MDT, being able to debate the blurring of boundaries across profession and where competent take on aspects of blurred boundary working, where appropriate.
To develop specialist programmes of assessment, treatment and intervention for respiratory and surgical patients in the acute hospital setting and in an outpatient setting.
To manage and prioritise own clinical workload as appropriate, working efficiently to manage professional time and delegate according to the training and competency levels of other team members to ensure the effective delivery of the service.
To participate in the supervision process with staff on a daily basis and for students as required.
To ensure a high standard of patient care is provided including implementing and reviewing clinical standards relevant to the work undertaken.
To provide specialist assessment and advice for the multidisciplinary team and actively participate in MDT meetings as appropriate.
To work across a 7 day therapy service including weekends and bank holidays.
To be a manual handling key trainer.
To participate in the respiratory on call service.
Person Specification
* Relevant Degree/Diploma
* Registered with HPC
* Evidence of Postgraduate training
* Clinical Educator training
* Recent experience demonstrating ability to assess, treat and evaluate care in surgical and respiratory care, including paediatrics, in an inpatient and outpatient setting.
* Good clinical reasoning skills
* Evidence of CPD, self-directed learning and reflective practice.
* Member of Professional Body
* Studied at Masters level or equivalent.
* Experience in contributing to service improvements e.g. audit, patient information etc
* Experience in dealing with complaints e.g. diffusing complaint or investigating complaint
* Knowledge and expertise in assessing critically ill patients with complex needs acute patients following surgery patients with chronic lung disease in both inpatient and outpatient settings inpatient paediatrics and early rehab patients in ICU.
* Knowledge relating to and expertise in discharge and transfer of care planning and co-ordination
* Evidence of relevant training and maintenance of best practise.
* Awareness of relevant legislation, NSF's/local and national initiatives.
* Understanding of Clinical Governance
* Critical Appraisal skills
* Ability to maintain legible and accurate records
* Ability to concentrate and work in conditions requiring emotional demands.
* Relevant accredited Postgraduate training e.g. respiratory, rehabilitation, assessment and treatment of the critically ill patient
* Previous experience working at Band 6 level.
* Manual Handling Facilitator.
* Experience in supervising and training others
* Carrying out PDR's
* Teaching/presentation skills.
* Experience developing others.
* Demonstrates positive attitude and behaviours
* Excellent time management skills
* Ability to communicate effectively with people with complex difficulties and in difficult situations.
* Recognises own limitations and have willingness to share and learn from others.
Employer details
Employer name
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Calderdale Royal Hospital
Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust