Job Summary
This is an exciting opportunity for someone with existing clinical knowledge and experience to widen their understanding of clinical governance and really have an impact on improving both the quality and safety of patient care at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.
The appointed QGM will join a friendly and hard-working team who are focused on collectively progressing the clinical governance agenda and supporting the division to achieve its strategic and quality improvement targets. The successful candidate will be self-motivated and possess excellent time management skills in order to juggle a variety of responsibilities whilst predominantly remote-working from home.
The successful candidate will use the available informatics data to produce and present a variety of clinical governance assurance reports, ensuring they are well written and submitted in a timely manner. The post holder will work closely with a number of clinical specialties to promote the availability and use of such reports and associated action plans in order to monitor and improve patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience at departmental level. They will also champion certain key subject areas such as falls prevention, clinical effectiveness, tissue viability and care of patients with Dementia and Learning Disabilities, representing the division at Trustwide meetings and reporting back key information/actions.
Main duties of the job
1. Be the governance link person for specific specialties (e.g. Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory, Elderly Medicine), attending directorate meetings, presenting governance reports and drawing attention to areas where improvement or action is required.
2. Champion and be the governance link for specific subject areas such as falls prevention, clinical effectiveness, tissue viability and care of patients with Dementia and Learning Disabilities.
3. Analyse and assemble qualitative and quantitative information into assurance reports for Directorate, Divisional and Trustwide scrutiny.
4. Represent the division at Trustwide meetings, feeding back key information/actions via Divisional Governance meetings.
5. Monitor compliance with numerous KPIs, supporting clinical teams with improvement as necessary.
6. Support with incident monitoring and management via Datix, ensuring incidents of concern are escalated appropriately.
7. Support with monitoring the central team mailbox, saving/sharing incoming items and providing responses where appropriate.
8. Be a contact and source of support for staff across the division in relation to Datix administration and incident management.
9. Attend and actively participate in weekly Divisional Governance Meetings.
10. Deputise for the Quality Governance Lead as necessary, including leading Divisional Governance Meetings.
11. Cross-cover with the other Quality Governance Manager, and cover essential duties for other team members ad hoc as required.
About Us
Our purpose is simple - Putting Patients First. We are looking for exceptional colleagues who can help us achieve this.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust is a large acute and specialised hospital trust that provides a range of local acute services to the residents of Worcestershire and more specialised services to a larger population in Herefordshire and beyond.
The Trust operates hospital-based services from three sites in Kidderminster, Redditch and Worcester. Our workforce is over 7,000 strong, and our caring staff are recognised as providing good and outstanding patient-centred care. You could be one of them.
We are committed to recruiting the best people to work with us to achieve our Vision - working in partnership to provide the best healthcare for our communities, leading and supporting our teams to move 4ward.
Our Objectives Are Simple:
* Best services for local people
* Best experience of care and best outcomes for our patients
* Best use of resources
* Best people
Job Description
Job Purpose:
To work closely with the Divisional Governance Team and Divisional Management Team to support, facilitate and guide compliance and assurance with the division's quality priorities and clinical governance agenda. To facilitate and encourage staff and clinician engagement in the divisional and trustwide clinical governance agenda. To develop and maintain relationships inter-divisionally and with the central clinical governance teams to ensure that all clinical governance activity is in accordance with both Trust policy and the corporate strategy. To act as an advocate for good clinical governance, leading by example and exhibiting professionalism at every opportunity.
Key Duties:
1. Support and facilitate the implementation of the divisional quality governance programme linked to the Trusts strategic objectives.
2. Be the governance link person for specific specialties (e.g. Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory, Elderly Medicine), attending directorate meetings and presenting governance reports, drawing attention to areas where improvement or action is required.
3. Champion and be the governance link person for specific subject areas such as falls prevention, clinical effectiveness, tissue viability and care of patients with Dementia and Learning Disabilities.
4. Analyse and assemble qualitative and quantitative information into assurance reports for Directorate, Divisional and Trustwide scrutiny.
5. Represent the division and present assurance reports at Trustwide meetings, feeding back to the division key information and actions via Divisional Governance Group meetings.
6. Monitor compliance with key performance indicators (KPIs) via a range of informatics sources, using them to support staff/teams in reflecting on and improving service delivery and clinical practice.
7. Assist with the compilation of ad hoc assurance reports and information at short notice as required, for example in response to regulatory visits/inspections.
8. Support with incident monitoring and management via Datix, ensuring incidents of concern are escalated appropriately.
9. Support the response to incidents or incident themes of concern within the Division in accordance with Trust policy and the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework, co-ordinating rapid reviews and round table meetings as required.
10. Support with monitoring the teams Medicine Governance central mailbox, taking responsibility for saving and/or sharing incoming items, and providing responses where appropriate.
11. Be a contact and source of support for staff across the division in relation to Datix administration for the purposes of incident, complaints and risk management.
12. Attend and actively participate in weekly Divisional Governance Meetings.
13. Deputise for the Quality Governance Lead as necessary, including leading Divisional Governance Meetings on occasion.
14. Cross-cover with the other Quality Governance Manager in the team, and cover essential duties for other team members ad hoc as required.
15. Lead by example, keeping up-to-date with mandatory and essential-to-role training, ensuring punctuality and professionalism at meetings and events, and exhibiting the Trusts values and behaviours at every opportunity.
General Duties:
1. Assist with the maintenance of Divisional and directorate risk registers by drawing attention to risks requiring review, and advising when new risks may need to be considered.
2. Monitor and support compliance with action plans and timescales for investigations, complaints and claims.
3. Proactively identify clinical governance/quality/health & safety issues within the Division and assist with their escalation and the registering of risk assessments.
4. Strengthen Datix utilisation, encouraging the reporting of incidents and near misses for ongoing learning and improvement.
5. Deliver/arrange education and training as appropriate to role/expertise in relation to quality governance topics/areas.
6. Assist with audits.
7. Participate in the Trusts ward accreditation initiative, supporting Quality Assurance Visits and Care Excellence Accreditation as required.
8. Identify training needs within the Division relating to clinical governance and work with clinicians, specialist nurses and Professional Development teams to ensure that these are met.
9. Be aware of CQC regulation and compliance, and the impact of any adverse findings of quality measurement from internal/external reviews, supporting the Division and its clinical areas as needed in preparation for such visits.
10. Escalate/report any issue or identified trend that might affect the provision of patient care/safety.
11. Support and signpost staff and patients involved in incidents causing significant harm or worse, ensuring that the principles of Being Open and Duty of Candour regulation are met.
12. Be professionally accountable and comply with professional body and local Trust policies, procedures, guidance and pathways.
13. Ensure that external and internal inspections are followed up with appropriate action plans and that corrective actions are monitored to the point of completion as required.
14. Capture themes generated from the feedback of patients, service users and their carers.
15. Work effectively and professionally in collaboration with corporate and other divisional governance teams and colleagues.
Person Specification
Qualifications Essential:
* Healthcare qualification
* Active registration as healthcare professional
* Registered nurse with Masters level qualification (or working towards same)
* Teaching Certificate
Knowledge and skills Essential:
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills
* Excellent interpersonal skills to support professional relationship-building
* Strong report-writing skills demonstrating sound knowledge and use of grammar and punctuation
* Able to analyse and interpret informatics data and use it to provide concise summaries and conclusions
* Able to lead meetings and discussions with a variety of healthcare professionals
* Able to communicate complex clinical information in a way that can be understood by a lay person
* Able to manage and diffuse disagreement/conflicts
* Organised and systematic in approach to work and prioritisation, including the ability to work to tight deadlines
* Able to be assertive, tactful and diplomatic
* Able to present information concisely and in clear English
* Able to make reasoned decisions rapidly
* Able to work within the limits of the role and clear about referring/escalating upwards where necessary
* Demonstrable credibility in working with and influencing senior staff
* Able to work independently and as part of a team to address objectives
* Knowledge of information governance requirements including basic compliance with GDPR/Data Protection Act and Caldicott Principles
* IT skills in common software packages including MS Word and Excel
* Knowledge of using healthcare databases, healthcare systems
* Able to write and follow standard operating procedures
* Knowledge of modern thinking on patient safety
* Knowledge and understanding of the healthcare regulatory framework and basic functions of the CQC and ICB
* Ability to work from home or onsite as required (subject to provision of equipment)
* Assisted in the development of policies, procedures & guidelines
* Understanding of the respective roles of CQC, NHSE/I, PHE, MHRA, NICE and other governmental and non-governmental healthcare organisations.
* Understanding of NHS structure and processes including commissioning, regulation and evolving governmental approaches
* Understanding of processes of standard/KPI-setting, assessment and assurance within the NHS
* Knowledge of all aspects of clinical governance
* Ability to teach/train
* Understanding of the use of qualitative and quantitative information to stimulate clinical quality improvement
* Understanding of the principles and practice of the legal framework relevant to risk management, investigation and mitigation in the context of governance in the NHS
* Knowledge of/interest in falls prevention, tissue viability, clinical effectiveness and/or care of patients with learning disabilities or dementia