We are advertising for a Senior Clinical Fellow in Colorectal (registrar level ST3+) in General Surgery at North Bristol Trust, Southmead Hospital. The position is fixed term for 6 months and starting in April 2025. This post might be extendable to 12 months.
The posts are intended to provide additional experience in various general surgical specialities to enable progression into a formal NTN for general surgical training.
Although not a recognised training post, there are considerable training and educational opportunities for the successful candidates. There is a comprehensive induction course and regular weekly teaching with the intention that the service commitment, supervision level and educational opportunities will be equivalent to that of our existing trainees.
This is a Full-Time post providing with basic hours of 40 hours per week, plus covering the general surgery on-call.
The post will give the candidate excellent experience in one of the largest NHS Trusts within the UK, and would be suitable for trainees considering a career in surgery either prior to speciality training or doctors looking to consolidate their training.
The colorectal team treated 1600 outpatients, 190 colorectal cancers, 750 elective procedures and 1900 endoscopy procedures last year. Being part of this team, the candidate will be exposed to a wide range of benign and cancer operations including robotic procedures, rectal and colonic cancers, and benign conditions including pelvic floor, endometriosis and inflammatory bowel disease. The candidate would be expected to attend operative theatre, outpatient clinic as well as contribute to ward based care of the patients.
North Bristol NHS Trust has a busy emergency general surgery take including SDEC (same day emergency care), Major Trauma and an acute GI take. The candiate will form part of the on call GI take as part of their role, covering daytime, nights and weekend ward cover.
The General Surgery Department forms part of the ASCR (Anaesthesia Surgery Critical Care and Renal) Directorate, which is one of the Clinical Directorates within the Trust’s operational services.
The postholder is managerially accountable to the Clinical Director, Mr Andrew Smith.
The Specialty Leads are Ms Anne Pullyblank [Colorectal], Mr Christopher Wong [Upper GI] and Mr Samuel Turner [Transplant and Endocrinology]
The Divisional Operations Director is Harriet Livesey and the General Manager is Joshua Pitt.
The post will give the candidate excellent experience in one of the largest NHS Trusts within the UK, and would be suitable for trainees considering a career in surgery prior to gaining core or speciality
training or doctors who wish to gain formal training in Quality Improvement methodology and/or Clinical Audit.
The post offers exciting opportunities for developing educational skills and quality improvement as well as furthering surgical knowledge and expertise.
If you are shortlisted we will contact you by email with details of your interview and you will need to confirm your attendance.
Please note, North Bristol Trust will not pay any interview expenses in connection with this post.
Late applications will not be accepted
Committed to equal opportunities, job share applications welcome
TARGET START DATE: Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
This advert closes on Tuesday 11 Feb 2025