The following content displays a map of the jobs location - Samuel Cody School, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough
Job Reference: EPSEDJOBS/840/3472
Number of Positions: 1
Contract Type: Permanent - Full Time
Working Hours: 100%
Establishment Name and Location: Samuel Cody School, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough
Closing Date: 07/02/2025
Job Category: Teachers
Local Authority: Hampshire
Phase of Education: Special - All Through
Job Introduction
At Cody Oaks we are now in our third year and have some exciting opportunities within our team. We pride ourselves on our therapeutic approach, establishing ‘the Cody Oaks Way’ which has shown to have a significant impact upon our students so far. We have a strong and energetic team who pull together to achieve what is best for our students.
We are seeking an Alternative Curriculum and Pastoral Coordinator to oversee the alternative provision and reduced hours for students who attend Cody Oaks. This role would be suitable for an unqualified teacher.
Aims of the Post
The aims of the post of Alternative Curriculum & Pastoral Coordinator include:
* Establishing and maintaining strong relationships with external providers.
* Developing, communicating, and implementing transition to and from both alternative provision and reduced hours provision.
* Liaising with parents and carers to support engagement and provide clarity of provision and purpose.
* Maintaining records of Reduced Hours Provision in line with statutory requirements.
* Developing, maintaining, and communicating targets and outcomes for those students accessing Alternative Provision and/or Reduced Hours Provision.
* Setting up, maintaining, and auditing alternative provision, ensuring they meet statutory requirements and the requirements within the school's service level agreement.
* Continuously reviewing the use of external providers to ensure impact and value for money.
* Developing and maintaining a broad enrichment offer within Cody Oaks, in line with the vision set by SLT, that provides opportunities for our learners to develop their skills and gain experiences outside of the standard curriculum offer.
Staff Responsibilities
In relation to staff, responsibilities include:
* Coordinating enrichment across the school, utilizing staff to allow for students to engage with opportunities outside of the standard curriculum offer.
* Communicating and presenting to both line management and SLT the effective monitoring of Reduced Hours Provision and External Providers.
* Liaising with class teachers of those students on Reduced Hours Provision regarding targets and progress being made.
* Leading meetings to coordinate the successful transition of students into Cody Oaks.
Additional Professional Duties
* Commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and upholding the School’s safeguarding policies and practice.
* Participation in performance management within an agreed School policy for other teachers/learning support assistants and their own performance as agreed.
* Contribution towards in-house training during the year.
* Carrying out the duties of a teacher as set out in the current School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.
* Reporting and attending EHCP Annual Review meetings and other relevant conferences for students within or outside the school as required.
* Supporting and developing integration, where appropriate, both inside and outside of school.
This job description does not define in detail all the duties and responsibilities of the post.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received and interviews will be conducted if suitable. We reserve the right to close the vacancy at any time.
Applicants are required to fill in an application form.
Please send completed application forms to
Safer Recruitment
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks.