Please read the Job Description and Person Specification for full details Across all of our service, we aim to offer structured care for patients using standard activity and outcome measures where available to drive treatment decisions. General guidance is agreed among the clinicians and modified as new evidence emerges. As well as General Rheumatology clinics there are established subspecialty clinics dedicated to Early Arthritis, Axial Spondyloarthritis, injection/MSK ultrasound, and a joint Rheumatology/Respiratory clinic. Other clinics include a weekly emergency clinic booked no more than 10 days in advance, which allows rapid access for urgent problems for new or follow-up patients. In addition, there are nurse clinics for DMARD counselling and follow up of RA, AS and Ps A patients, especially those on advance therapies, including biologics, of which there are over 600 patients within the department. New patient waiting times are routinely the shortest in East Anglia. The main interest of the department is Early Inflammatory Arthritis with care focussed on rapid access, objective assessment of prognosis and disease activity. This is followed by early intensive treatment driven by objective outcome measures (treat to target). A dedicated clinic is held alternate weeks by every consultant. Patients meeting defined criteria are referred by a fast track system and seen within three weeks, with blood testing beforehand. Patients deemed to need DMARDS are counselled by the nurses and we initiate subcutaneous Methotrexate as first line treatment in RA. We share the care of patients between doctors and nurses following common guidance, which is adapted to meet the circumstances of each patient. Some nurse appointments may be over the telephone, allowing monitoring of drug tolerability and disease activity, but being more convenient for the patient.