Reportsto: ApprenticeshipsDirector.
TheApprenticeships Programmes and Systems Manager will be responsiblefor managing and developing systems and processes for the SeniorLeadership Apprenticeship and other degreelevel programmes. Therole focuses on ensuring compliance with ESFA and Ofstedrequirements developing the systems for the effectiveadministration of the level 7 programmes and acting as the maincontact for employers and learners. The manager will take a lead inthe development and implementation of fully integratedApprenticeships and LMS system such as Aptem.
2.1Compliance and ProcessImprovement
Review andupdate all systems and processes to meet ESFA and Ofsted compliancerequirements.
Lead thedevelopment and implementation of compliance requirements for level7programmes.
Take a lead onworking with a systems supplier to develop and implement a singleApprenticeships management and LMS system to be ready by end ofNovember 2024 for the first cohort of learners starting in January2025.
2.2Employer and LearnerEngagement
Actas the Account Manager for all employers sponsoring employees inNCA Apprenticeshipsprogrammes.
Provideinformation advice and guidance to potential employers andlearners.
Engage withemployers to monitor learners progress andcompletion.
Meet mutuallyagreed monthly targets for the implementation of the AptemApprenticeships MIS and LMS and its continuingdevelopment.
Training otherNCA staff to maximise the effective use ofAptem.
Training andsupporting academic tutors and learners to use thesystem.
Successfully usethe system to meet EFSA and Ofsted requirements and submittingmonthly fundingclaims.
2.4Compliance with Funding Rules via a newsystem
Stay updatedwith ESFA funding rules andguidelines.
Ensure allapprenticeship programmes meet the ESFA s eligibilitycriteria.
Maintainaccurate records and documentation to demonstrate compliance withfundingrequirements.
Submit fundingclaims accurately and ontime.
2.5Data Management andReporting
Manage theIndividualised Learner Record (ILR) submissions to theESFA.
Ensure dataaccuracy and integrity in all reportingsystems.
Monitor andanalyse apprenticeship data to ensure compliance and performancetargets aremet.
2.6Quality Assurance andImprovement
Implement robustquality assurance processes to meet ESFA and Ofstedstandards.
Conduct regularinternal audits and selfassessments to identify areas forimprovement.
Develop andmaintain a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) based on audit findingsandfeedback.
Ensure that alltutors assessors are proficient at using Aptem for delivery ofteaching learning and assessment materials and in monitoringlearner engagement in the learningprocesses.
2.8Safeguarding and PreventDuty
Implementsafeguarding policies and procedures to protectapprentices.
Ensure staff andapprentices are aware of and adhere to safeguardingguidelines.
Fulfil thePrevent duty by promoting British values and preventingradicalisation.
2.8Monitoring andEvaluation
Regularlyevaluate the effectiveness of apprenticeshipprogrammes.
Usefeedback from apprentices employers and staff to makeimprovements.
Monitor keyperformance indicators (KPIs) and take action to address any areasofunderperformance.
Prepare forOfsted inspections by ensuring all documentation and evidence areuptodate and easily accessible for assessment of compliance withrules andregulations.
Conduct mockinspections and provide staff training to ensurereadiness.
Address anyactions or recommendations from previous inspectionspromptly.
Support and workwith Engagement and Placements Manager to build and maintain strongrelationships with employers training providers and otherstakeholders.
Collaborate withemployers to ensure apprenticeship programmes meet their needs andstandards.
Engage withexternal quality assurance bodies and awardingorganisations.
2.11Collaboration andTeamwork
Work closelywith the Apprenticeships Director Curriculum and QA Lead Engagementand Placements Manager Programmes Administrator and NCA supportteam.
Collaborate withthe Apprenticeships Systems and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)partner teaching staff internal assessors and externalverifiers.
First degree orequivalent (essential) and or Masters/professional qualification(Desired)
Knowledge andexperience of managing apprenticeships provision and working withtutors andassessors.
Experience inquality assurance processes and maintaining compliance withregulatorystandards.
Experience ofworking with an online apprenticeships MIS and ability to work withdevelopers to create a system to meet NCA needs andrequirements.
Familiarity withgovernmentfunded apprenticeships and engaging withemployers.
3.3Skills andAbilities
Strongproject/programme managementabilities.
Excellentorganisational skills capable of planning prioritising and managingworkloadseffectively.
Exceptionalcommunication and interpersonal skills with the ability to buildrelationships and provide highquality customerservice.
Proficient inutilising technology and innovative teachingmethods.
Indepthknowledge of ESFA and Ofsted guidelines and experience in preparingforinspections.
Strongproblemsolving skills and the ability to make datadrivendecisions.
Proactiveapproach to change management and adapting to new apprenticeshipstandards.
Passionate andmotivated committed to the values and mission of the Nishkam CivicAssociation.
Conscientiousand diligent with a high standard of integrity andconfidentiality.
Agile andflexible able to respond to changing demands andpriorities.
Culturally awareand sensitive able to engage with a diverse range ofstakeholders.
Full drivinglicence and willingness to travel asrequired.
Ability tocommunicate with target groups in ethnic minority communities isdesirable but notessential.
3. Person Specification 3.1 Qualifications First degree orequivalent (essential) and or Masters/professional qualification(Desired) 3.2 Experience Knowledge and experience of managingapprenticeships provision and working with tutors and assessors.Experience in quality assurance processes and maintainingcompliance with regulatory standards. Experience of working with anonline apprenticeships MIS and ability to work with developers tocreate a system to meet NCA needs and requirements. Familiaritywith government-funded apprenticeships and engaging with employers.3.3 Skills and Abilities Strong project/programme managementabilities. Excellent organisational skills, capable of planning,prioritising, and managing workloads effectively. Exceptionalcommunication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to buildrelationships and provide high-quality customer service. Proficientin utilising technology and innovative teaching methods. In-depthknowledge of ESFA and Ofsted guidelines and experience in preparingfor inspections. Strong problem-solving skills and the ability tomake data-driven decisions. Proactive approach to change managementand adapting to new apprenticeship standards. 3.4 PersonalAttributes Passionate and motivated, committed to the values andmission of the Nishkam Civic Association. Conscientious anddiligent, with a high standard of integrity and confidentiality.Agile and flexible, able to respond to changing demands andpriorities. Culturally aware and sensitive, able to engage with adiverse range of stakeholders. 3.5 Additional Information Fulldriving licence and willingness to travel as required. Ability tocommunicate with target groups in ethnic minority communities isdesirable but not essential.