Job summary
Windmill Surgery is seeking an experienced Practice Nurse to join our supportive team.
The post holder will be an experienced GP Practice nurse. They will work collaboratively with the general practice team to meet the needs of patients, supporting the delivery of policy and procedures, and providing nursing care as required. In order to work at this level NMC registration is required.
Main duties of the job
We are looking for an individual who is confident to work independently managing our patients Asthma and COPD conditions. Qualifications and experience in managing other long term conditions would be advantageous.
About us
Windmill Surgery is a two-partner practice supported by salaried GPs, a Phsycian Associate, and a dedicated nursing team that provides care for 8,000+ NHS patients.
We are an Emis Web Practice, using Docman and AccuRx.
Located in a modern purpose built building with staff car park.
Job description
Job responsibilities
The followingare the core responsibilities of the Practice Nurse. There may be, on occasion,a requirement to carry out other tasks. This will be dependent upon factorssuch as workload and staffing levels:
1. To support patients with the management of their asthma condition.
2. To support patients with the management of their COPD condition.
3. To support theInfection Prevention Control (IPC) lead and to work to the IPC Policysupporting the implementation of audits, training, support and evidence ofcompliance to the practice manager
4. To support theproduction of the IPC annual statement in conjunction with the practice manager
5. To develop, implementand embed an effective care management programme for the frail and houseboundpatients registered at the practice.
6. To assess theneeds of patients ensuring the provision of healthcare is appropriate,incorporating evidence-based practice.
7. To develop,implement and embed health promotion and wellbeing programmes
8. To implement andevaluate individual treatment plans for chronic disease patients that promotehealth and wellbeing
9. To identify,manage and support patients at risk of developing long-term conditions,preventing adverse effects to patients health.
10. As required, toprovide routine nursing care to patients in accordance with clinical basedevidence, NICE and the NSF
11. As required, todiagnose and manage acute and chronic conditions
12. To prescribemedication for patients in accordance with PGDs and own scope of practice.
13. To review patientmedications to enhance compliance.
14. To provideguidance to patients in the use of prescribed and over-the-counter medicationsregarding side effects and dosages.
15. To co-ordinate the provision of travel medicineservices
16. To requestpathology services and process pathology results as required
17. To oversee theprovision of chronic disease clinics, delivering patient care as necessary,referring patients to secondary/specialist care as required.
18. To maintainaccurate clinical records in conjunction with extant legislation
19. To ensure readcodes are used effectively by all members of the nursing team
20. To ensure theappropriate maintenance and use of chronic disease registers
21. To develop,implement, embed and participate in well woman clinics
22. To develop,implement, embed and participate in well man clinics
23. To ensurecompliance with the practice chaperone policy
24. To prioritisehealth issues and intervene appropriately
25. To support theteam in dealing with clinical emergencies
26. To recognise,assess and refer patients presenting with mental health needs
27. To implementvaccination programmes for adults and children
28. To support patients in the use of their prescribedmedicines or over-the-counter medicines (within own scope of practice)
29. To liaise with external services/agencies to ensurethe patient is supported appropriately (vulnerable patients etc.)
30. To delegate clinical responsibilities appropriately(ensuring safe practice and the task is within the scope of practice of theindividual)
31. To support the clinical team with all safeguardingmatters, in accordance with local and national policies
32. To understand practice and local policies forsubstance abuse and addictive behaviour, referring patients appropriately
33. To deliveropportunistic health promotion where appropriate
34. Regularly monitor and check medical equipment andreport faults to the practice manager.
Person Specification
35. Registered Nurse
36. Post graduate diploma or degree in Asthma and COPD
37. Post graduate diploma or degree in other chronic disease management.
38. Family planning qualification.
39. Experience of working in a primary care environment.
40. Experience of chronic disease management.
41. Experience of working autonomously.