Job Title:Full Time Lecturer in Computing & IT Contract length:1 Year with possible extension/permanency Responsible to: Head of Department Engineering, IT & Creative Industries Job Purpose: To provide quality teaching and learning opportunities within the specific areas outlined in the post in order to maximise the potential of every student and to undertake non-lecturing duties as appropriate. Location: Dungannon & Omagh Campus, however the postholder(s) will be required to work at other South West College campuses as required. Main Duties and Responsibilities The College is in a developing situation and the responsibilities attached to this post will necessarily change over time. The successful candidate will be required to undertake the following duties: Contribute to the development, organisation and delivery of the curriculum across theCollege, withpotential delivery ofteaching and learning within Computingand related programmes of study. Contribute to developing the higher education provision for Computing within the college and across the regional sector. Attend meetings on matters relating to students, including course co-ordination, management, assessment and curriculum development. Participate in the marketing of and recruitment to courses within the subject/programme area, including the interviewing of students, attendance at parents evenings, prize-giving, open days, awards ceremonies and other similar departmental/college events. Act as a course director. Undertakeassessmentandmoderationduties,internallyandexternally,inlinewith awarding body requirements. Actasapersonaltutortostudentsasrequired. Participateinthestudentinduction,monitoringandreviewingprocesses. Contribute to the process of the requisitioning of equipment and consumables for the subject/programme area. Establish links and on-going liaison with external partners. Contribute to the review and evaluation of the curriculum provision. Adhere to the value-for-money principle through efficient planning, organisation and delivery of said programmes. Completealladministrativetasksassociatedwiththispost. Contribute to the Colleges quality procedures and participate in continuous professional development relating to the subject/programme area, as well as the development and updating of personal and teaching skills, including new technologies. Deliver learning, teaching and assessment on other college campuses, including out-centres. Perform those duties which are core to the teaching function as follows: Produceschemesofworkandlessonpreparations. Settingandgradingassignmentwork. Maintenanceofstudentrecords,classregistersandpreparationofreports. Monitoringresourcesandtheiruse. Liaisingwithexternalexaminers,moderatorsandverifiers. Compliancewithdisciplinaryprocedures. Contribute to the delivery of staff development training programmes for other teaching and support staff, as per line managers requirements; Provide general advice on Health, Safety and maintenance matters relating to equipment and accommodation within the subject/programme area. Adhere to College Health and Safety policies and procedures. Provide students with professional and educational advice & guidance, in conjunction with Student Services department; Organise and supervise work placements, if required. Comply with and actively promote College policies and procedures on all aspects of equality. Provision of timely, accurate course and student data using appropriate College systems for data management. Any other duties which are in accordance with the College Local Agreement for Lecturing staff and Annex 1 of the Lecturers Contract. Generalduties Thepostholderisexpected: To promote and raise the profile of the College and the services itprovides to the local business and civic community; TopromoteandactivelycontributetotheCollegesMission,VisionandValues; TofullycomplywithandactivelypromoteCollegepoliciesandprocedures; Within the context of the post, ensure full compliance with College Health and Safety requirements; To participate in staff training and development activities to update and enhance own knowledge, skills and professional competence needed to carry out the role effectively This job description is not prescriptive and the post holder may be expected to undertake other duties appropriate to the grade as may be assigned by the Chief Executive or his nominated officer(s). If you take up an appointment you should note that you may be required to work at any of the Colleges Campuses as necessary. Duties may change as the College develops, therefore the person appointed will be expected to be flexible in relation to duties performed, subject to consultation. TermsandConditionsofService Alltermsandconditionsofemploymentforthispostarethoseaslaiddownby the Association of NI Colleges non-teaching negotiating committee and are drawn from theconditionsofserviceoftheNJCforlocalauthoritiesstaff. Hours of work: 36hoursperweek Salary Scale: Lecturer Salary £34,088- £ 39,495 (Points 3 5) Experience can be considered in relation to starting salary up to the maximum of £39,945(plus £3,067 Threshold and £1,596 Deane Payment if applicable) This post is regarded as a regulated position under The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007. South West College is an equal opportunity employer. Personnel Specification Essential Criteria Level 6 qualification or above in Computing or related discipline; GCSEMathsandEnglishLanguageatGradesA-Corequivalent; Two years relevant teaching and / or industrial experience; Excellentinterpersonalandcommunicationskills; CompetentabilitytouseITintheclassroom. Desirable Criteria RecognisedTeachingqualification; Experience of lecturing in Further and /or Higher Education; Other Access to a car and able to travel between campuses and other business use as required or ability to demonstration mobility. Indicativedateforinterviewisweekcommencing28thApril2025