These 2 posts will take the substantive consultants to WTE of 7. They will take part in:
1. Ward rounds: HASU and ASU. They will work alongside 2 other consultants in reviewing new patients, HASU patients for the first 72 hours, and ASU patients. They will be involved in daily board rounds and support the Multidisciplinary team with discharge planning.
2. Clinics: They will do one stroke clinic every other week. They will do one TIA clinic per week and supervise CNS in the TIA clinic. The clinics usually have the following format: 2 new patients and 4 follow-ups. Daily TIA clinic slots average 3 new patients. Dedicated CT and MRI slots, and Carotid imaging are available on the same day.
3. MDT: Weekly stroke ward MDT that they will chair in turn.
4. On Calls: They will take part in Regional out of hours on call which is shared with consultants at Maidstone Hospital. This on call is done using Telemedicine. This will be a 1:12 rota and include weekdays and weekends. They will do weekend ward rounds in the stroke unit on a 1:6 rota between 0900-1600 on Saturday and Sunday. The weekend ward rounds are combined with the regional out of hours weekend rota to make it less onerous. There is agreement post weekend combined on-call that the post holder will have the Monday afternoon free of clinical commitments.