Job Description
As part of our expansion from 10 developers to 30, we are seeking an experienced programmer with a detailed and practical knowledge of network code and a good grasp of server optimisation in UE5.
Apply here:
The successful candidate will be working on
The role will involve full time employment or work on a long-term contract for subcontractors, dependent on location.
A successful applicant will have:
* At least one major PC game release to their name
* Practical experience of optimisation of a multiplayer game in Unreal Engine
* An understanding of server function when running a large scale multiplayer game (LSMPG)
* Sound grasp of network traffic implications for LSMPG
* Great communication skills
* The ability to work remotely with minimal supervision
* Some familiarity with devops processes.
Ideally the candidate will also have some hands-on experience of using IRIS in UE5.
All applicants should be based within +/- 4 hours of UK timezone
Salary/Compensation DoE
All data submitted in application will be stored by Blue Dot Games for 6 months and will ONLY be used for the purposes of evaluation of job applications.