. To provide a highly specialist evidence-based nutrition and dietetic service for Oxfordshire community paediatric HEF patients. This includes working collaboratively with the existing community dietetic team, supporting junior staff, and linking with MDTs, to ensure a holistic approach to patient care via digital, telephone consultations or vis visits to home or school. 2. To design individual client-centred treatment plans. This will involve nutritional assessment and calculation of nutritional requirements based on the interpretation of biochemistry, anthropometry, clinical condition, and diet history. 3. To act as an independent practitioner and be responsible for a complex caseload of paediatric patients. To utilise specialist clinical skills to manage this specialist caseload of babies, children, and young adults, identifying, assessing, and treating nutrition related conditions and selecting the appropriate type of therapy for effective treatment. 4. To provide individualised information about relevant dietary needs such as weaning, thickened fluids, modified texture diets, blended diets and risk feeding in conjunction with the speech and language Therapist (SALT). To consider local prescribing guidelines and feed budgets when considering feed or formula choices and onward prescriptions 5. To be an integral member of the MDT for decision making and capacity assessments for patients regarding non-oral feeding or progression to long term non-oral feeding, risk feeding or withdrawal of non-oral feeding.