This post is part of the Royal College of Surgeons and EPBU Accredited Subspecialty Fellow Programme in Paediatric Urology which aims to provide a comprehensive and enjoyable training in all aspects of Paediatric Urology. The programme covers the required two years of Subspecialist Paediatric Urology Training with one year in each centre.
The post would be given for one year in the first instance. This year, the successful applicant would begin at Leeds then move to Manchester. Following satisfactory completion of the first year, the Fellows would change location. FRCS part 1 or equivalent qualification should have been completed before starting and part 2 or equivalent qualification should be taken during the Fellowship. At the end of the two years, the EBPU FEAPU exam should be taken to complete the Fellowship.
Trainees are required to keep a complete portfolio for the period of training within the training programme to be ready to submit for review at any time. The trainees will undergo Annual Record of Competency Progression by an inter deanery committee and successful completion of first year is required before progression to second year of training. The trainees will be entitled to annual and study leave in keeping with the Terms & Conditions of Service for Specialist Registrars.
Trainees register with the Royal Colleges of Surgeons at the time of appointment and are responsible for completing documentation including requests for approval of Flexible Training.
Main duties of the job
The Specialist Registrar will receive a comprehensive training in every aspect of Paediatric Urology including Bladder Exstrophy (provided at NSCAG designated centre at Manchester Childrens Hospital). The training programme will therefore encompass routine elective urology, prenatal diagnosis and neonatal urology, minimally invasive urology, urodynamics and reconstruction, minimally invasive management of stone disease and DSD. In addition, the post will provide exposure to the management of renal failure in childhood, including transplantation, and relevant aspects of adult urology including endourology, reconstruction and andrology. The Fellow will be expected to undertake clinical research leading to presentation and publication during the tenure of the post and will receive the necessary supervision and support to achieve this.
About us
Paediatric Urology in Leeds is an independent speciality comprising three Consultant and one Specialist Grade Urologists. It is a large department with a National and International profile providing a co-ordinated service at the Leeds Childrens Hospital in the Clarendon Wing at the General Infirmary. This appointment will function within the Paediatric Urology service providing some on call cover within the working time directive but will not be included in the emergency cover for Paediatric Surgery, which is on a separate rota.
Specialised services for children in the Yorkshire Region, with the exception of Hull, are concentrated in Leeds. The population of the Region is approximately 3.5 million with around 50,000 live births per year. The Department of Paediatric Urology provides an elective and acute urological surgical service for the children of Leeds (population approximately 812,000).
Leeds Teaching Hospitals is committed to our process of redeploying 'at risk' members of our existing workforce to new roles. As such, all our job adverts are subject to this policy and we reserve the right to close, delay or remove adverts while this process is completed. If you do experience a delay in the shortlisting stage of the recruitment cycle, please bear with us while this process is completed, and contact the named contact if you have any questions.
Job description
Job responsibilities
The level of clinical and administrative responsibility attached to the post will correspond to years 4 to 6 of specialist training and it is anticipated that this will also be reflected in complexity of surgical procedures performed with and without supervision. The successful applicant will be part of the Paediatric Urology service and will provide an on-call service that is compliant with the working time directive and the new deal. The post will be non-resident with a on call band of 1B. The fellow may come with either a Paediatric Surgical or an Adult urology background and will not participate in the Paediatric Surgical emergency on call rota.
The Fellow will work in tandem with the designated Paediatric Surgery Registrar who will join the urology firm on a six-monthly rotation. This is to ensure that the service provides sufficient exposure and training for the Paediatric Surgery Registrars. The Registrars will between them cover three consultants.
There are between 7-8 theatre sessions and equal number of clinics within the service. A working schedule will be drawn up to share between the Surgical Registrar and Urological Fellow. In addition, there is a MDT clinic combined with Nephrologists once a month on a Monday morning. There is also a MDT conference on Thursday lunchtime once a month with the nephrologists and on a Friday morning once a month with the radiologists. There is a monthly business meeting comprising M+M and audit programme on Friday morning. Combined Manchester/Leeds governance and audit meetings take place 2-3 times per year.
Person Specification
Eligibility, Fitness to practice, and Language
* Eligible for full registration with the GMC at the time of appointment and hold a current licence to practice.
* Evidence of achievement of Core and Foundation competences from a UKFPO affiliated Foundation Programme or equivalent by time of appointment in line with GMC standards/ Good Medical Practice
* Good clinical care
* Maintaining good medical practice
* Good relationships and communication with patients
* Good working relationships with colleagues
* Good teaching and training
* Professional behaviour and probity
* Delivery of good acute clinical care
* Eligibility to work in the UK
Clinical, Academic, and Personal Skills
* Capacity to apply sound clinical knowledge & judgement & prioritise clinical need
* Demonstrates appropriate technical and clinical competence and evidence of the development of diagnostic skills and clinical judgement
* Validated logbook documentation of surgical exposure to date
* Demonstrates understanding of the basic principles of audit, clinical risk management & evidence-based practice
* Understanding of basic research principles, methodology & ethics, with a potential to contribute to research commensurate with totality of period of training
* Evidence of active participation in audit
* Evidence of contributing to teaching & learning of others
* MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
* Successful completion of MRCS or equivalent
* Ability to provide complete details of employment history
* Evidence that career progression is consistent with personal circumstances
* Evidence that present achievement and performance is commensurate with totality of period of training
* Royal College of Surgery Fellowships are open to trainees with an existing National Training Number (NTN) in Paediatric Surgery or Urology (adult), with a CCT date within 2 years of the Start date.
* They must have passed the part 1 of the intercollegiate specialty board examination prior to the start date or have an equivalent qualification
* Should be confident in achieving the required numbers/competence in generality of paediatric surgery prior to or during the fellowship
* The post will be offered for one year in the first instance. Entry to year 2 requires successful completion of Part 2 FRCS Paed Surg/Urol or equivalent qualification and satisfactory progression
* Candidates not on a CCT pathway may apply for a non RCS accredited fellowship of 1 year duration
* Paediatric trainees must have a total of at least 6 months of Paediatric Urology training
* Urology (adult) trainees must have a total of at least 6 months accumulated paediatric practice within adult posts (with evidence).
Any attachments will be accessible after you click to apply.