VHDL, Verilog, FPGAs, DFM, DFT, digital circuit, image sensors, calibration deviceOur client is software development and hardware engineering company. They are growing fast and need someone to help them continue to manage the delivery of high-quality work in a fast-paced environment Key requirements Electronic Design of a range of hardware products including high-speed design and video cameras, calibration devices, and synchronization and networking equipment. Working alongside, and sometimes leading, teams comprising electronic, mechanical, and software design engineers in the creation of high-performing and cost-effective solutions. Key skills Minimum 3-5 years relevant industry experience. High-volume consumer electronics system experience preferred Design and simulation experience with High speed digital design Broad experience with both analog and digital circuits, e.g. small signal conditioning, low noise power supply, high-speed and serial control interfaces Strong knowledge of testing and reliability DFM, DFT Experience in VHDL/Verilog for FPGAs