John Clifford School is committed to the provision of a quality meal service to its children. We are looking for a professional, polite and confident team player to join the Midday Supervision team at John Clifford School to assist in securing the safety, welfare and behaviour of children during the school lunch break, ensuring the effective supervision of children on site. Supervision of the dining area will involve: ensuring the overall arrangements for children to dine promotes an orderly and pleasant meals service. ensuring acceptable standards of behaviour and the safe conduct of children by maintaining good order and discipline. maintaining high standards of cleanliness in the dining room and any other dining area as directed by the senior leadership team to comply with Health and Safety regulations. John Clifford School is a diverse primary school in the heart of Beeston. It is a vibrant school where children thrive through our commitment to profound personal development. We are guided by the John Clifford Promises to take care, whilst fostering a culture of high expectations and possibilities. Our school community has a strong sense of belonging and we recognize difference and celebrate diversity. We have excellent relationships with local community groups, schools and businesses and we have an exceptional reputation for working in partnership to achieve broad and balanced outcomes for children. We strive to go beyond expectation in education and experience and provide support and care to enable all leaners to be the best that they can be. White Hills Park Trust comprises six successful schools across Nottinghamshire, three primary, two secondary (one including a sixth form) and one special school. It’s an exciting time as the Trust is embarking on a period of steady growth with further schools joining us soon. We are committed to supporting the wellbeing and career aspirations of our staff team. Our partnership of schools is united by shared ethos and values, working in deep collaboration to give all of our children the best possible start in life. Our mission is to provide the very best opportunities and outcomes for young people. Our staff work closely together to deliver high quality teaching and learning, share good practice, pool resources and participate in joint projects for the benefit of pupils. Further information about the Trust can be found at About Us ( To arrange a visit or for further information regarding the position please contact Karen Long, on 0115 9258057 or Visits to the school can be arranged with the School Office on 0115 9258057. Further information about John Clifford School can be found on our website Our School - John Clifford School John Clifford School have a permanent position and supply midday supervisor positions please state when applying which you prefer. To arrange a visit or for further information regarding the position please contact Karen Long, on 0115 9258057 or Applications for the post must be submitted by 10am on Monday 24 March 2025 via our online application form, which can be found at Vacancies (, or by clicking the ‘apply now’ link. Interviews will be held on Thursday 27 March 2025 White Hills Park Trust welcomes applications from all, irrespective of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships. The Trust is a Pathfinder for the Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education and expects all leaders to embody these values in their daily work. All posts are subject to safeguarding responsibilities (relevant to the role), including the duty to protect and promote the welfare of children and young people, and to adhere to the Trust’s safeguarding policies and procedures. The successful candidate will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. References will be called prior to interview and online searches may be carried out on shortlisted candidates as part of due diligence checks. It is an offence to apply for the role if an applicant is barred from engaging in regulated activity relevant to children (where the role involves this type of regulated activity). Paul Heery CEO