Secondary (Years 7–15) / wharekura, Certificated teacher
To commence at the start of the 2025 school year.
We are seeking a passionate and future-focused teacher to join our staff. This role would suit an educator with a Primary or Secondary background.
The successful applicant will be tasked with the implementation of the reading development programme which includes working:
1. with students in a variety of contexts – whole class, small groups, and individuals;
2. in class with a variety of teachers to promote wide reading.
The necessary skills include:
1. an understanding of how to teach literacy skills to teenagers;
2. knowledge and passion for children’s literature;
3. working collaboratively with other teachers;
4. enthusiasm, flexibility, and adaptability;
5. a familiarity with the Literacy Learning Matrix would be an advantage.
The College caters for the majority of students in Mid Canterbury. We are forward-thinking and in the process of redesigning learning experiences for our students. Over the coming years, there is forecast roll growth as well as major rebuild work. This is an exciting time to join the school and be a part of curriculum change at Ashburton College.
We are a PB4L and Restorative Practices school and currently working to enhance culturally responsive and relational practices. We are proud to be a participating member of the Hakatere Kāhui Ako.
Set in the heart of Mid Canterbury, Ashburton is only an hour’s drive from the recreational hinterland of Mt Hutt ski field, lakes, and mountains and from Christchurch city, while having its own vibrant community. With affordable housing and a wide variety of recreational opportunities, Mid Canterbury is a great place to live and work.
How to apply
Please send your letter of application, CV, and direct enquiries to:
Physical address:
27 Walnut Avenue, Allenton, Ashburton