JOB PURPOSE As part of the Primary and Community Integrated Care Team you will have a lead role in developing new ways of working and stronger partnerships across the Dorset health and care system and with local communities to develop community commissioning approaches. You will bring together providers of local services to plan, deliver and transform care focusing on population health and reducing health inequalities, providing strategic leadership. You will work with a range of partners and key stakeholders to lead the transformational change required to implement new models of care supporting Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and integrated community services via Integrated Neighbourhood Teams. In this role you will work proactively with health and social care partners to ensure that local communities receive the right care at the right time and as close to home as possible. This role involves matrix working within the Primary and Community Care Team and across the Medical Directorate and wider organisation on programmes and projects as required. As a Strategic Commissioner Manager, the role is responsible for the following: Undertaking a strategic management role for the commissioning of services, supporting implementation of the NHS Dorset ICB Commissioning Strategy, the NHS Long Term Plan, the GP Contract Reform guidance; planning and delivery of delegated services including Pharmacy, Optometry and Dentistry. Ensuring that commissioning plans are developed, maintained and delivered to support effective service redesign, contracting and performance management in partnership with ICB colleagues and through constructive relationship with providers at an integrated neighbourhood level. This includes: Working with Integrated Neighbourhood Teams to implement the NHS Dorset Five Year Plan, new models of care and the NHS Long Term Plan; Providing support to INTs through developing clinical and management capacity to implement new models of care; Leading on the development of a portfolio of services and contracts relevant to your county-wide lead function; Working with the Primary and Community Integrated Care Team, ensuring best practice in respect of all commissioned services that support the provision of services for the population of Dorset in line with agreed priorities taking onboard local needs; Engaging with a range of providers and partners, including primary, community and secondary care, local authorities, the voluntary sector, the independent sector and Any Qualified Providers to ensure service provision is of a high quality and meets local needs and contract requirements; Lead and participate in whole systems service improvement programmes as required; Ensuring the appropriate engagement of local communities, carers and service users in development and review of services, clinical pathways and new models of care; In support of the Deputy Director/Head of Service to take the lead on specified areas of commissioning across Dorset; Lead quality and performance improvement across a designated function; Ensure that any allocated budget is managed in accordance with ICB standing financial instructions and governance rules; Ensure appropriate collaborative working across the Primary and Community Services team and across all geographies, including with Local Authorities. POST SPECIFIC, TASKS AND OBJECTIVES Commissioning and Service Redesign To work with Clinical Leads, Practices and Integrated Neighbourhood Teams to develop and realise strategic goals; To work effectively within NHS Dorset ICB to fully inform the commissioning agenda in relation to the needs associated with population health service access and community integration, to identify need; benchmark activity against national and local provision; and advise on activity and commissioning requirements accordingly; To support the full development of effective service development programmes and commissioning activity to meet local health need and national and local guidelines and the commissioning cycle; To lead on the development of new service specifications ensuring alignment with NHS Dorset ICB priorities including working with information leads to ensure plans reflect national benchmarking; To input to the development of commissioning intentions for services and the commissioning process; To work collaboratively across the whole system leading change and promoting innovation as informed by the NHS Dorset ICBs commissioning intentions and commissioning process; Ensure function plans are consistent with NHS Dorset ICBs commissioning plans. Ensure that any allocated budget is managed in accordance with the ICBs standing financial instructions and governance rules; Governance In developing and implementing new clinical pathways and services, to ensure that all proposals are evidence based, clinically effective and value for money; To support the redesign of services ensuring robust clinically effective pathways that are clear and fit for scrutiny through the validation and consultation process; To develop patient evaluation and audit tools that will accompany all new service developments; To ensure that ICB budgets and delegated budgets and resources are managed appropriately in accordance with the ICB governance framework; To work closely with contracting and performance managers to ensure that performance metrics are developed across the ICB to inform all work programmes; To ensure agreed governance arrangements for the ICB are implemented in response to regulation and current guidance, both national and local. Building effective partnerships To develop strong and effective working relationships with stakeholders relevant to the portfolio, clinical and managerial leads within providers, NHS, Local Authority and partner colleagues, and other local ICBs to enable service change; To deploy high quality communication skills to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of developments and objectives, making use of a wide range of media and well developed persuasive, and negotiation skills where agreement or co-operation is difficult to obtain; To inspire and motivate INTs, stakeholders, which includes users, patients and their representatives, by articulating a clear vision for services in Dorset ICB; encouraging collaborative working to improve services where there may be resistance to change or divergent opinions on the direction of change; To ensure effective mechanisms for consultation with service users/patients, carers and advocates and ensure that users/patients and carers needs are appropriately reflected in commissioning and service plans. Leadership The post holder is required to recognise their role as a senior team member within the Primary and Community Integrated Team and ICB and act accordingly to drive and deliver the system vision and priorities. To create an inclusive working environment where diversity is valued, everyone can contribute, and everyday action ensure we meet our duty to uphold and promote equality. In support of the Deputy Director/ Head of Elective Care, take the lead on specified areas of commissioning work across Dorset. To promote and support robust communication and engagement across the Dorset Integrated Care System (ICS). People Management Responsible for the day-to-day range of staff management, which will include responsibility for supporting appraisals, development of staff, recruitment and where necessary, processes such as grievance and disciplinary matters. Responsible for an individuals development on the job and job performance management. Work in conjunction with line managers and other job managers to assess and manage confidential information about an individual's performance and capability development. Please note we reserve the right to extend the closing date or close this vacancy early if we receive sufficient applications for the role. Therefore, if you are interested, please submit your application as early as possible For further information, please see full Job Description attached.