Our Complementary Therapy team here at Rowcroft is looking for qualified volunteers to join us.
Are you a therapist with a recognised qualification in aromatherapy, reflexology, or massage? Or can you teach relaxation or mindfulness techniques?
Our busy team covers the whole of Rowcroft’s catchment area from Dartmouth to Dawlish to support our patients and their carers and families in their own homes – helping to make every day the best it can be in a very direct way.
We also support those in our inpatient unit and offer sessions at the outpatient centre here at the hospice in Torquay.
Being part of our team gives you the opportunity to learn best practices when working with end-of-life patients and their families, and the bereaved.
We can offer you opportunities for attending education events to enhance your knowledge of specialist palliative care and to experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
All our volunteers hold their own insurance and belong to the relevant professional body. You can offer as little or as much time as suits you, in the locations you choose.
Rowcroft Hospice is an independent charity that provides comfort, support, and specialist care to over 2,000 patients and their loved ones across South Devon each year. Our vision is to make every day the best it can be for all patients and those closest to them living with life-limiting illnesses in South Devon.