To provide a full range of urgent dental care to any patient accessing the Oxfordshire Out of Hours Dental service, including priority groups, special needs children and adults, who after triaging are found to have a dental condition requiring immediate emergency care. Dentists will be expected to adhere to the prescribed clinical and administrative procedures. Dentists will be expected to adhere to the prescribed clinical and administrative procedures. Obtain and verify a complete medical history for all patients Obtain written informed, valid consent for all invasive dental procedures, including the taking of radiographs, from the patient or an adult with parental authority and give a treatment plan Record all aspects of clinical examination, relevant medical history and treatment on the computerised patient management system provided. To only use those materials and equipment provided by the dental service for the treatment of patients. Treatment should be restricted to that necessary to relieve dental pain, arrest haemorrhage, stabilise a traumatised dentition or control the spread of dental infection which may be dangerous to the patient. Permanent restorations may be placed if their placement achieves any of the above objectives and is more efficacious than the placement of a temporary restoration Complete all computerised and written records necessary for the reporting of clinical activity and to ensure the collection of all patient charges due. The post holder will work weekday evening sessions (3.5 hours), weekend sessions (3 or 4 hours) and/or Bank Holiday sessions (4 hours) which will be allocated on a monthly rota basis. They will need to provide face to face dental treatment for patients with an urgent dental problem.