The department provides a general Orthopaedic and acute trauma service to the population of East Lancashire. The trauma service is Consultant led with 2 all day trauma lists in the week and one all day at weekends. There are 2 Consultants on call daily and the first on call admits the patients under their care. All the Consultants provide a general Orthopaedic service and in addition they have a subspecialty interest. There are excellent links with teaching units within the North West region. Operative facilities are provided in 8 laminar flow theatres across the Trust with 5 at Burnley General Teaching Hospital and 3 at Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital. A comprehensive range of trauma and elective instrumentation is held and regularly updated. Outpatient clinics are based at Burnley General Teaching Hospital and Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital. Peripheral Orthopaedic clinics are held in Rossendale, Pendle, Clitheroe and Accrington. The unit is supported by a full range of radiology and pathology services. There are MR facilities on both sites. The post holder will have responsibility for the training and supervision of junior medical staff who work with them. They will devote time to this activity on a regular basis and may be named as a point of contact for educational supervision, appraisal and career advice. The post holder will also be responsible for supervising the education of medical students attached to the department. The post holder will be expected to keep up to date with developments within the specialty by attending appropriate conferences and study courses. Study leave and expenses are processed by the Post Graduate team.