**Practice Nurse - Lytham St Annes**_Are you looking to escape workplace politics? Or are you looking to boost your income with flexible work?_ **Locum Work with Chase Medical** Practice Nurses working with Chase Medical earn **£28 to £47 per hour,** including holiday pay. With just one 8-hour shift earning you **£200**, working locum shifts with Chase Medical is a great way to boost your bank balance. Locum work with Chase Medical is **flexible around your schedule**, allowing you to plan your shifts around your availability, with **no minimum number of hours** you need to work. Many of our shifts are **able to be booked months in advance**, allowing you to plan your shifts with as much notice as possible. We have a shifts available across **GP surgeries**, **Out of Hours Clinics** and **Walk-in Centres**, meaning we are able to provide our clinicians with **weekday, weekend and evening shifts**. Locum works is a great way to **build your professional network**, and **further your professional development** through working in varied environments. _When working Locum Practice Nurse shifts with Chase Medical, all you need to bring is yourself and your NHS Smartcard. The **surgery will have your clinics set up for you,** and **provide any equipment necessary** for your shifts. The centre will also provide you with a **centre induction** in order to settle you in as quickly as possible!_ **Interested?** _If you're a Practice Nurse and you're interested or would like an informal chat about our locum opportunities, please call **Chloe** on **0114 2757 421**, or email_ [_**](mailto:)**_._** **About Chase Medical** Chase Medical is the **leading Specialist Primary Care recruitment agency**, with nearly 60 percent of practices working with Chase Medical for all their staffing needs. Many of these practices choose to **work exclusively with Chase Medical** for all their staffing needs. Chase Medical is a member of the **REC** (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) and are proud to provide a responsive and compliant service to both our clinicians and the centres we work with. We find work for a **range of Primary Care clinicians**, including Nurse Practitioners, Independent Prescribing Pharmacists, and Practice Nurses, as well as others. If you're looking for a new Permanent role, give us a call on **0114 275 7421.** Our permanent recruitment experts will be happy to chat to you about what you are looking for in your new permanent position and **negotiate the best deal** for your new job possible! **Register with Chase Medical** If you'd like to register with Chase Medical in order to gain access to our locum and permanent opportunities, please contact **Chloe** on **0114 2757 421**, or [**](mailto:)**.** Our **registration chats are quick and easy**, usually **only take around 20 minutes**! You'll have your **personal recruitment consultant on hand** to guide you through the registration chat, as well as answering any questions you may have from the registration process and beyond. Once you've joined, you'll have access to our extensive shift lists, as well as access to our new **Chase Medical app**. _Do you think you know someone who might be interested in Chase Medical's locum or permanent opportunities? Give us a call- you can receive up to £500 for recommending a friend._