Attend all training sessions, complete work based activities and keep up to dateall documentation to meet Care Certificate requirements.NURSING CAREBathing of patients in bed and in the bathroom including the knowledge of the correctuse of bath aids.Following instructions, assisting with moving, turning and positioning the dependentpatient, having knowledge of the correct use of moving and handling equipment.Assisting with care given to pressure areas of patients and the appropriate use ofpressure relieving devices.Assisting the patient with their personal hygiene needs, ensuring privacy and dignity ismaintained and promoting independence.Assistance with feeding patients and preparing patients prior to meals, includingassisting patients to order their meals from the menus. Assisting the patients tomaintain adequate oral fluid intake and accurate record keeping.Assisting patients to dress and undress.Assisting with toileting and escorting patients to and from the toiletMaking beds, including stripping of bed linenAssisting in the care of terminally ill patient and with the performance of the LastOfficesAssist in the collection of specimens following appropriate instruction.Using relevant policies and procedures including infection control and the use ofstandard precautions when undertaking patientJob description and person specification page 3 of 6 Care Certificate -V1 June 2015GENERAL REQUIREMENTSAssist with maintaining cleanliness of patients' furniture, to include linen and patients'flowers and lockersDelivery requests between departments, answering the telephone and takingmessages when requiredAssisting with the reception and care of patients and relatives and all visitors to thewardsAssist with filing, completing records and paperwork. Deal with enquiries andcommunicate with all members of the multi-professional team and public in aprofessional manner.COMMUNICATIONReporting conditions of patients to nursing staff in charge of the ward.Reporting mishap or accident to nursing staff in charge of the ward using risk incidentreporting as appropriate.Dealing with patients with sensory impairment in a sensitive and appropriate manner.PERSONNELMaintain confidentiality at all times - on and off dutyBe aware of the safety regulations regarding fire precautions and the procedure to befollowed in the case of a fire alarmBe aware of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Environmental HealthRegulations and COSHH.EDUCATIONAttend all training sessions, complete work based activities and keep up to date alldocumentation to meet Care Certificate requirementsAttend mandatory training including fire lecture, moving & handling patients and basiclife supportAttend Orientation and in-service training programmes as requested/required.Attend meetings as requested and provide feedback for ward team.Maintain awareness of ward policies and procedures.Assisting the Registered Nurse in undertaking surveys or audit as necessary.Job description and person specification page 4 of 6 Care Certificate -V1 June 2015MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCESObserve a personal duty of care when handling patients personal possessionsand the procedure for safekeeping.Assist in monitoring and managing stock control/stock levelsAwareness of the effective use of resources.ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THOSE EDUCATED TO NVQ LEVEL 2 & 3These may include:-Monitoring, recording and reporting of observations plus correct use of equipmentunder the guidance of the Registered Nurse.Use of initiative and respond to changing patients signs and symptoms, reporting tothe Registered NurseCarry out routine patient care duties at own discretion.To assess, plan, implement, evaluate and document patient care under the guidanceof the Registered Nurse.General and clinical supervision of less experienced staff.This Job Description is a guide to the main functions and responsibilities of the post -not a complete list. It will be amended as necessary in the event of future changes orexperience on agreement with the potholder.