* Job Title: Strength and Conditioning Coach
* Location: United Kingdom
* Salary Expectation: £30,000
* Current Position: N/A
Job Category
High Performance / Elite Golf
* Golf Specific Strength and Conditioning Programming
* Nutrition Support
* Psychology Support
* Data Analysis
* +3 Handicapped, former High-Performance Golfer
* Biomechanical movement analysis
* BSc Sports and Exercise Science from University of Exeter
* MSc Sports and Exercise Science from University of Exeter
* Level 4 S&C qualified
I have trained and worked out of the high performance golf facilities at the University of Exeter, where I am currently working with a select few players to take their golf to the next level. I also have extensive experience in fitness and strength testing out of the world class performance labs at Exeter University St Luke's campus.
Date Able to Start