To develop and take an active role in quality monitoring of the service, including leading of research projects and audit activity with the aim of improving the service/service area. Partnership with service users and carers is integral to these activities. The post-holder will be able to evaluate and review research, using this in tandem with the appropriate legislation, policies and evidence-based interventions to best meet the needs of individuals using services. Role model the values, attitude, conduct and language commensurate of a clinical professional to colleagues, people using services and other people involved in the delivery of care. Work within an environment that involves taking responsibility for the use of a significant number of resources, including four crisis beds, access to in-patient services, processing of referrals and allocation of activity to achieve rapid response to crisis referrals. Plan and organise workloads for staff within the area to include allocation of staff, planning patient care and groups etc. Supervise the day-to-day care of their service area, ensuring staff are designated to appropriate areas. To be involved in the recruitment process, along with appraisals and supervision. Be involved in the provision of internal training sessions and presentations. Provide specific training or mentorship to students. Play an active role in the development of the service and the team. Provide education to services users and carers with regard to living with mental ill health, and gaining access services. Provide high quality care in a variety of settings, including at Harrison House, DPoW, other services and in the community. Be able to support individuals with complex needs in a person-centred, trauma-informed and compassionate manner. Maintain accurate records, both written and computerised to a standard that reflects the level of clinical assessment, observation and intervention. This may involve the use of specialised psychometric tools to complement the assessment and evaluation of client care. Implement holistic, biopsychosocial interventions. Liaise with community-based services and resources such as education, social security, employment, housing, Police and voluntary sector organisations to facilitate the delivery of the most appropriate and best possible care for the individual client, carers and their families. Discuss complex issues surrounding risk management and plan care accordingly, and keeping the relevant people informed. Discharge planning. Respond to client crisis in a non-judgemental, positive and pro-active manner. Develop clear care pathways, including methods to reduce the risk of further crisis developing. Work in a manner which is flexible according to client need. Provide telephone support to people accessing services, carers, outside agencies or clinicians who require information, advice or crisis intervention. Exercise sound clinical judgement and manage competing priorities and opinions. Assess complex mental health conditions, then to develop and implement care packages in a variety of settings. If required (or at their request) undertake Mental Health Act Training (AMHPs) and if qualified take part in the AMHP rota. Complete triage and assessment, whether over the telephone, face-to-face, on-site or elsewhere.