Please refer to the full Job decription & person Specification for all details Strategic Responsibility Working with the Clinical Director and Matron provide leadership to the SBU to ensure the effective delivery of clinical and non - clinical services; Lead the development of the SBUs strategic direction in line with Portfolios overall strategy and ensuring that all strategic plans are incorporated into service plans and objectives for all staff; Develop short, medium and long-term objectives, which are turned into effective, affordable and achievable annual service plans for the SBU and the portfolio, and deliver these plans within the financial resources available; Develop a culture within the SBU/s in which all staff are delivering high quality patient-centred clinical and support services; Formulate new service development initiatives, ensuring business cases are produced, taking into account trust governance and standing financial instruction, activity and income projections; Review and redesign services to meet the needs of patients and enable the SBU to achieve its key performance indicators; Lead the planning of future capital developments for the SBU/s to deliver improved facilities for patients, ensuring that developments are designed around the service; Develop robust mechanisms to ensure clear communication of service plans, objectives and service changes within the SBU ensuring that staff are engaged directly in any review and development of services; Leadership and Management with the Clinical Director and Matron Manage all admin & clerical staff within the SBU in line with the Trusts employment policies providing effective, leadership, managerial and professional co-ordination for all staff within the SBU, including identifying solutions to problems and carrying forward changes; Monitor key workforce indicators (staff in post, sickness absence, turnover, statutory and mandatory compliance etc) that affect productivity and work with team leaders and the HR Business Partners to address issues of concern; Develop mechanisms for ensuring the performance appraisal, objective setting and continuous professional development of all non-nursing staff. Identifying and meeting education and training needs of all staff; Promote a high performance culture by holding people to account within the SBU; Analyse current and future service activity and establish the workforce required to ensure the appropriate staffing skill-mix for the delivery of service plans. Utilising any opportunities for benefits realisation from Agenda for Change i.e. role redesign; In conjunction with the Clinical Director, ensure a review of Consultant job plans and appraisals are carried out on an annual basis and that all job plans are consistent with service delivery and recorded electronically; In conjunction with the clinical director and consultants, ensure that all rotas for doctors in training are European working time compliant, electronic diary carding exercises take place regularly and where necessary take steps to adjust the rota so it remains compliant; Ensure that all Consultants, Trust, Training and temporary Locum Doctors (via their agency) in the SBU are fully aware of their obligations and adhere to the Trusts pre-employment, employment, professional registration and criminal records bureau clearances; Ensure that all Training Doctors rotating into the SBU undertake their clearances in respect of Human Resources, Occupational Health and CRB within the defined timeframes and in line with Trust policy; Lead by example with the Clinical Director to ensure that all Consultants, Trust and Training Doctors in the SBU achieve compliance in line with the Trusts statutory and mandatory training requirements;